Monday 100823

Ricky Frausto Filed Under: Labels: , ,
Front Squat 3-3-3-3-3-3 reps

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Front Squat technique via CrossFit HQ

Danielle Baker is planning a trip to the Niobrara on Labor Day weekend and has even rented a cabin. This trip is for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights. There are lots of activities planned.

We are looking for anyone that is interested in going. If you would like to know more info such as possible costs associated, please contact Danielle at

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8 Responses to "Monday 100823"

  1. paul Says:
  2. i was so excited to see FS on the blog! it's like a long-lost friend!

    264x3. Nice work, 6am, especially Greg Mo. and Nick!
  3. John Snodgrass Says:
  4. 294x3---Felt like I could have done more but had trouble keeping bar from slipping off hands. Need to work on form again. Same story different lift!!!
  5. Allison H :) Says:
  6. 119X3, after that it was like going for 1rm... so called it good in the hood
  7. Addi Says:
  8. Read. This.

    Girls, read it twice, then eat a steak.
  9. BC Says:
  10. got up to 208#
  11. BC Says:
  12. Great post Addi! You always find the best stuff.
  13. Allison H :) Says:
  14. nice article find Addi... kept me awake at 3a.m. for work!

    i can't wait to start the next paleo challange!!! when the heck is does it start! i'm in!!!!
  15. Shelley Says:
  16. Did strength class:

    Press 5,4,3,2,1+

    Did 6 reps at 80# for max reps. I got stuck on 7th one. Did assistance work of 4 sets of DB rows w/ 50# and ring dips w/ purple band. I did 12,12,10 and 10 reps on DB rows and ring dips w/ purple band for sets of 6-8. I then did 3 unassisted ring dips in a row which is the most I've done unassisted. I could only get 1 or 2 at a time before.

    No metcon.

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