Find your 1RM Squat Clean in 12 minutes
You have a 12 minute time limit to try and find the heaviest weight you can pull from the ground and catch in a squat. Depending on class sizes, most will begin with a certain number of plates to being the workout with. You may not have any weight on the bar until the sound of 3-2-1-go!
Compare to 091120 or LogWod Entry 091120
followed by,
5-4-3-2-1 reps rounds for time of:
Ball Slams (20#/16#)
C2B Pull ups
Wall Balls (20#/14#)
Post squat clean weight and met-con time to comments.

Your one and only 6:30PM maestro, JD.
4:32 met-con. Great work 6 a.m.
Metcon 2:58. Did extra ball slam and extra burpee in the last round. My 2nd grade math teacher will be over later for tutoring.
Metcon: 5:56
Instead of CTB with a band, I just did pull ups as high as I could get.
Shoulder to OH Anyhow
** Max in 10 mins **
(Used a split jerk)
154, 198, 220, 242, 265, 275(Missed right as time expired)
Muscle Ups X7
Sumo DL High Pulls X21 (95#)
3RDS - 7:25
** The last RD took about 3 mins cause I kept missing MU's :(
1000m Row Sprint - 3:34 (Should have pushed harder)
2:42 for the metcon. I just wanted my clean weight and metcon time to match. Otherwise, I would've done this MUCH faster.
235 C&J (more like a push press- i was pretty slow today under the bar)
Hit time limit on metcon- got through the whole thing up to 25 HSPUs kipping. practiced turning out on the MUs. this was a very fun WOD despite sucking bad at HSPUs- i usually despise HSPU wods, but it was fun and challenging.
Great C&Js yesterday ladies- good to know someone will be carrying the team!
Clean- 131#. 10# PR
Metcon- 3:48. Thanks Jon for the time cutoff. It really helped to push me.
3:20 on the metcon.