Apr 2010

Tuesday 100420

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
For time:


Kettle Bell Swing - 2 pood/1.5 pood
Run 100 yards

Start with 10 Kettle Bell Swings. Sprint 100 yards. Perform 9 Kettle Bell Swings. Sprint 100 yards. Perform 8 Kettle Bell Swings. Sprint 100 yards...down to...1 Kettle Bell Swing. Sprint 100 yards.

Workout, courtesy of CrossFit Football

Post times to comments.

KatA and GDawg in their street clothes.

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18 Responses to "Tuesday 100420"

  1. paul Says:
  2. Another fun one. it 39. rx'ed.

    Nice work, 6am!
  3. Jake Says:
  4. 7:46 Rx'd. I'm not sure I agree with Paul about being fun, but it got the job done.
  5. Shelley Says:
  6. 7:10 WOD:

    Back squat:
    5 reps 194#, 3 reps 208# and 3 reps 223# (1 RM is 241#)

    DT: 11:34 Rx'd. This is a huge improvement over doing this last time on 2-3-10 where it took me 14:26 to finish. The biggest difference was the hang clean; I did first 4 rounds breaking up into 3 sets of 3 and then going directly into push jerk after last rep. The last round I broke up hang cleans 2,2,2,1,1,1 (not good I know), but compared to last time this is much better. The last time I broke up hang cleans in rounds 4 and 5 all one at a time.

    Great job everyone!
  7. Gina Says:
  8. 10:01- I had a 1 pood at one end of the run and a 1.25 at the other end.
    Nice job 6am!
  9. Kat Says:
  10. 7:10am

    Backsquat felt sooo heavy! I gotta keep working on keeping my chest up and my knees out!
    166# x 5
    179# x 3
    203# x 1

    Pr'd in DT!!! Only by 30 sec but huh..30 seconds is 30 seconds!
    11:13 Rx'd

    I had to re-do 2 of my push press on the 3rd round for not locking out...that sucked!

  11. Gdawg Says:
  12. Missed this morning...had too late of a night so I might hit up six thirty class before tonight's WOD
    ....and That pic is crazy!!! I forgot how ridiculous those outfits were!!!

  13. Allison H :) Says:
  14. that pic is great! teletubbies!
  15. Addi Says:
  16. If I have to miss DT, I'm glad it's for heavy KB swings.

    6:42 rx'd. Probably could have pushed a couple runs harder and gotten under 6:30, but I was happy I kept from taking breaks between runs and swings.

    I was trying to at least kind of keep up with Jake and Nate, but just couldn't run fast enough.
  17. Paula Says:
  18. 10:00???? Rx'd - I have no clue what my time was because I believe I counted wrong...I was a about 50m behind Joe and I finished just before him...hmmm! So, after I realized I probably counted wrong I did another rep/run for good measures. He did 9:30(?) so I guessed 10:00. I think the PVC pipe exercises and the band stretching afterwards were more painful. Ha! Definitely need to do more of that!

    Welcome to the 5am class, Sandy!!!
  19. Rita Says:
  20. 8:50.

    The first ten swings with 1.5 pood. Then switched to 1 for the rest.

    1 is too easy and 1.5 is too hard.

    My form for 1.5 is quite ugly and needs to be locked in the closet with the key thrown out....but that won't get anybody anywhere, so. Here's to a future filled with kb swings.

    (Shelley, are you excited? This blog's for you! HA!)
  21. BC Says:
  22. Couldn't make it to 1 of the local CF's today, so I improvised with - 2 mile run (not sure on time) and then immediately ran 5 100's w/ 45 sec rest between each 1. Not bad, better than sitting around doing nothing.
  23. paul Says:
  24. Atta boy, BC!
  25. Shelley Says:
  26. Did the prowler "sprints" tonight. The last one seemed like it would never end. I think my legs/glutes will not be happy with me either.

    Great to see your post Rita!! Missed your blogs as you already know.
  27. Danielle Ostronic Says:
  28. 8:26 Rx'd yes the 1.5 was very heavy. Nice work 5:30
  29. ZachR Says:
  30. 6:26 with a 1.5pd KB

    Shoulder is sore but the runs felt good today
  31. Crystal Says:
  32. Nice job ladies and Greg and Ricky tonight. The prowler was tough and I struggled tremendously. Thanks for pushing me guys. I didn't expect to be doing this up the hill. I thought we would be pushing it between the buildings. Overall this was a good one.
  33. Unknown Says:
  34. 7:50 rx'd. I wore a 20lb vest w/ this workout. It made the breathing tough. Running to the curb and back slowed e down but this was a good workout. Love the swings!
  35. Kat Says:
  36. 7:35pm team workout.

    Pushed the contraption FROM HELL up the hill tonight! I felt like I really mentally pushed myself this wod! I'm really happy about my performance, there isn't anything I could have done to make me go faster or longer. Thanks for all the encouragement and thanks Ricky for not letting me leave early....

    Great Job everyone!

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