Sunday 100307

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Clean & Jerk (split) - 60% x 3, 67.5% x 3, (77.5% x 3) x 2
Low Bar Back Squat - 60% x 5, 67.5% x 5, 77.5% x AMRAP

followed by,

3 rounds for max reps of:
3 minutes of Wall Ball, 20#/14# (10ft target or higher)
1.5 minutes rest

Post C&J weights, back squat weights and final set reps, and max reps from met-con.

Sara F doing some 1-arm barbell snatches.

Open Gym at 1:30 PM. Hope to see a lot there.

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6 Responses to "Sunday 100307"

  1. Shelley Says:
  2. Finished at 119# for C & J; need a lot of work on technique

    Finished last set of low bar back squat at 187# for 13 reps

    Did 171 reps for metcon: 63, 55 and 53 reps for each round.
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. 220 X 3 (C/SJ)
    265 X 6 (BS) - Terrible!!!

    80-78-79 - 237 Total Reps on Wall Ball

    Fun Day :)

  5. Gdawg Says:
  6. This comment has been removed by the author.
  7. Donohoe Says:
  8. Did back squat 225-5/275-5/305-5/
    clean 140/165/185 x 3
    Then 3 gasser in the gym.
    It was a good strengh day, wanted to wrk out at cfit gym, but subsituted 24hour instead. Im not sure people could work out at 24 without mirrors anyhow.
    I hope had a great weekend.
    Donohoe is out.
    PS Anyone found green knee highs kinda jammed up on this necessary item for friday.
  9. Unknown Says:
  10. Thanks Gdawg. Can't wait to be back! Soon!! Donohoe you make me laugh :)
  11. Kat Says:
  12. I did 99# c&j for 3x2.
    My back squat was 163# x 15
    Metcon: 155 rx'd (wall ball sucks!!)

    Great job today everybody!!

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