Rest Day
9AM will be a team based WOD
Megan McNamara climbing ropes for the first time, I believe. This gal is PR'ing every day. Getting stronger and better. She will be a force to be reckoned with come regionals.
Nutrition sit down will be at 11AM in the front office. Come with questions and I will come with answers. Remember, if you can't make it this weekend, there will be another sit down next Saturday.
I'm working on getting my vocals up to par since you've insisted that I sing at your wedding:) I don't want to disappoint you guys...
At any rate a few of us heading to Mockingbird Lanes tonight (96th St just south of L) for some hardcore bowling action. Anyone and everyone is welcome to come and tear it up. The throw-down should start around 8ish. Feel free to reach out to me, my FIANCEE' Jess (that sounds funny), Josh and Addi, Paul Audi or Megan MacDaddy if you need any more info.
10 Cleans (176#)
200m Farmers Walk (55#)
50 DL (265#)
2000m Running
Broke up this way...
2 Cleans
10 DL
400m Run
Farmers Walk 200m
- 17:42 - I just can't switch gears on the run when I need it...
- Did 10 DL on RD 1 then 5/5 the rest of the way...
Have fun tonight! Cheers to you guys!
Great pic McNamara!! :)
Strict Ring Dips
Weighted Inverted Row (Green)
GH Sit Ups
10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 EA
- All done unbroken or no significant pauses
- 12:30