Sunday 100228

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Overhead Squat

You have 12 minutes to find a 1RM in the overhead squat. Once the time is up, take 85% of the highest load you successfully squatted (below parallel) and after 2 minutes of rest, try and complete as many reps as possible unbroken. Shoot for at least 6 reps or more.

followed by,

3 rounds for time of: (courtesy of CrossFit Football)
10 Broad Jumps (8 feet/6 feet)
21 Kettle Bell Swings, 2 pood/1.5 pood
24 Push ups

For the jumps, guys will jump across the width of two mats whereas the ladies will jump across the length of one mat. Guys may scale by jumping the ladies distance and the ladies may drop to the width of one mat (4 feet).

Guys, try not to perform shitty push ups. Get the hips up and keep them from sagging. Push them away from the ground just as you do for the chest. Think of your arms as being attached to your hips and not your shoulders. You should look like Bob (below) at the top of every rep, every rep.

Post overhead squat 1RM, total reps with 85%, and met-con time to comments.

This is the correct lock-out at the top of the push up. Notice a strong mid-line connection. There is no descending curve leading from the back of the shoulders all the way down to the ankles. Instead, a pretty straight line. Great example Bob.

Open gym will be at 1:30 PM.

If you haven't paid for your CFO apparel, I need you to please take care of it as soon as possible. We will be placing the order first thing on Monday morning (March 1st). Thank you for helping us take care of this matter.

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9 Responses to "Sunday 100228"

  1. Steve Says:
  2. For those interested in trying a 5km, one of the first ones of the season is the Blarney Stone 5 km. 17 March at 6 pm, Peak Performance Running store at 519 N 78th st. Trail is out and back on the Keystone. Post race party afterwards- approx. 500 runners last year. Register before March 10 ($22) and Pint Glass is included. After March 10, cost is $30. Register at any Peak Performance Running store in Omaha, there is no on-line registration. I've got a few extra entry applications I'll post at the gym.
    Hope to see you out there.
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. 288# OH Squat MAX
    - 85% (242) - Only got 2!! :(

    10 Broad Jumps
    21 Swings
    25 Push Ups
    - 7:52 (Only broke up swings once with 4 left on the last round - Stupid)
    ** Push Ups are still a huge weakness
    RD 1 - 15-5-5
    RD 2 - 5-4-3-3-3-3-2-2
    RD 3 - Down to singles for like the last 10- rediculous!!

    Great job on the workout Tovar!

    Justin VanBeek
  5. Becky Says:
  6. Got a new PR on OH at 119# from 92#. Not too shabby. Then 14:47 all rxd, but the jumps were a bit short, but consistent.
  7. Gdawg Says:
  8. This comment has been removed by the author.
  9. Kat Says:
  10. Great job everybody! God this gym is amazing!!! I loved and appreciated all the encouragement and support from everyone today!

    I attempted OH squats but my wrist and shoulder are still hurting pretty bad. I did 1 rep of #87 then switched to high neck back squat.

    I finished the metcon at 11:58. I didn't break up any of the kb swings because I knew that pushups would be slow...which they were!
  11. Donohoe Says:
  12. Dear sunday fun fitters,
    finished in 10.15 at rx.
    overhead 245 for one then 210 pd for four. It was a great work out and everyone did a great job.
    Donohoe out.
  13. Shelley Says:
  14. New PR on 1RM of OHS at 131# (old was 121#); did 3 reps at 109# and lost my balance at the top of the third rep.

    My goal is to have the OHS not be my most hated lift.

    11:04 on metcon; didn't break up any jumps or swings but pushups still suck. Did first round in 4's, 2nd in 3's and 2's and the 3rd round 3's, 2's and 1's.

    Great group today with a lot of encouragement!
  15. Mark Says:
  16. Finally made it to a Sunday workout for the first time in 2010.

    198 lbs for OHS, tried 220 but failed twice. Then did 176 and only got 3 cause it was killing my wrist.

    10:35 for the metcon. My jumps were toes behind line to toes at least crossing the second line.

    Great work everyone today!!
  17. Danielle Ostronic Says:
  18. ohs still at 99# tried 105 and failed twice. Then tried 85 and couldnt even do 1...sad face. I dont remember my time on metcon, I think it was 13:04.
    OHS are a weakness of mine, and will continue to be however I did get really sick, fever, chills etc later on Sunday and didnt go to work on Monday, so next time I will CRUSH OHS!!

Thanks For Visiting!