Saturday 100227

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
8AM and 10AM will be team workouts with 9AM being,

On the minute, every minute, for 10 minutes:
Run to the Curb and Back (yes, run so dress warm)
Max Reps Shoulder to Overhead Anyhow (142#/99#)

Post total reps overhead to comments.

Adam obviously has the special power of floating. What a show-off.

A reminder to all, the raffle for a Free year of membership will be drawn on Friday, March 12th, the day of the St. Patty's Day WOD. We will draw from those of you that have bought tickets, at the end of the night. We will offer the chance to buy tickets up until this point.

The prices are one ticket for $35, three tickets for $75, or five tickets for $100. Prices well worth the shot of winning a full year without pay. What do you have to lose?

Talking about the St. Patty's Day WOD, if you haven't a team but want to do the workout, let me know asap and I'll find you a team. There are plenty that have come to me expressing their desire to participate but don't know who to ask. I'll do that for you.

I need all teams registered, with shirt sizes, by next Friday, March 5th so that we can get the shirts ordered. The registration fee of $40 per team as well as the minimum (you can bring more) of four canned goods will be due the date of the event.

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12 Responses to "Saturday 100227"

  1. GregP Says:
  2. Great work team. Megan and Jill were awesome. Great come from behind win.
  3. paul Says:
  4. I did the 9am WOD of running and shoulder-to-overhead. 52 reps rx'ed. Thanks for the motivation, Ricky! Nice job 9am!
  5. Nate Says:
  6. I enjoyed my first official wod with CFO. Fantastic atmosphere, thanks for a great time today 10am.
  7. Steve Says:
  8. Good job to all teams at 8 am. Close finish! And the workout was a perfect mix of high intensity with a little bit of rest-time built in.
  9. Addi Says:
  10. I love team workouts. Not even Filthy Fifty can make me think bad thoughts about team workouts.. (though situps and burpees did their damnedest) Fun times with Crystal and the "Floater".
  11. MeganMcNamara Says:
  12. My first team WOD ever!! Had so much fun today with Jill and Greg P-- yall are awesome!
  13. Allison H :) Says:
  14. much needed sleep in this morning... then punished myself with a 7 mile run. Felt good. :) beautiful sunshine today!!! enjoy it everyone! :)
  15. Unknown Says:
  16. Hey, I don't know if anyone will read this because I am posting late on Saturday but there is a really awesome event that I really want to do and thought some other crossfitters may be crazy enough to do it with me. It is called ToughMudders and its a sort of a run and swim in the mud but with ropes and obstacles and maybe some fire-ish looking things based on pics of other events:)
    Anyway I saw it on the CFE site and there is one in Denver in 2011 but the exact date isn't posted. More info can be found at this site
    It isn't a team competition but it does recommend that you have pals to help you over/under/through certain obstacles. Just thought I'd post the idea in advance if anyone might be interested in participating.
    Thanks! and Have a great weekend!
  17. BigD Says:
  18. Awesome job at 8am Steve and Laura! Our team was rocking. Sorry I gassed in the burpees.
  19. Gina Says:
  20. Great job at 8am! My team was awesome, great work Mark and Robert!
  21. Rita Says:
  22. Adam...with that kind of air-borne, you deserve to be a show off. Sweet pic...
  23. Danielle Ostronic Says:
  24. Out team, of HOward and Lindsay, rocked this morning!! Thanks for all the effort everyone. Our time was 34:00!!

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