Monday 100201

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
This is CFO's 1000th Post. Crazy milestone for a one of a kind gym.

Click on the following link for our very first post -
April 19th, 2007

For time:
50 Barbell Single-Arm Snatch (93#/63#)

Pat Barber's One Arm BB Snatch - video [wmv] [mov]

Post time to comments.


Finally sending in an entry. I just flew home today from a week spent Peacock Bass fishing deep in the Amazon. I have some kick-ass video I’m going to edit and send you later but here’s my handstand. Also attached a picture of one of the fish I caught (11lb Peacock Bass).

We were doing this about 300 miles up the Rio Negro River (10 mile wide river system, a tributary of the Amazon)….60 miles from Barcelos, AM, Brazil. The river is down about 30 ft from wet season (amazing for a river that’s 10 miles wide) so there are tons of sandy beaches. We portaged johnboats over shallow water and sand for 2 ½ hours to get to this location (Tuesday’s WOD!). ;-)

See you this week,


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19 Responses to "Monday 100201"

  1. Rita Says:
  2. 13:15 at 38#. I borke them up 10 each arm with the last 10 of 5 each arm. But there's no real weight, so it will be cool to see how others with real weight break it up.

    Still working on form and certifiable anxiety of things overhead. Slow and light today to achieve these. My issues:
    - Leading with shoulder
    - No muscling just because it's light enough
    - keep close to body
    - lock out arm at the top right away-one movement, not two
    - get under bar fast
    -like Ricky always says, just do it and move past the fear.

    Pretty much the whole thing, right? ha ha

    Different combos of these happened and a couple times I actually got all of them.

    All in all, got from point a to point b every time. Some more efficiently than others. Best of all, it was a lot of fun and I can tell inside I'm making progress. It's worth keeping going!

    Today, 2 years and 11 months today to reach my goal. Happy Feb. 1!

    Great job 5 am, the 4 die-hards who actually showed up!

    Amanda, thanks for coming every single morning!
  3. Shelley Says:
  4. 12:14 at 48#. Broke up reps evenly and left side was actually better than right. I use the term "better" with some sarcasm as I was terrible at this WOD.

    Great job to everyone else at 6 a.m.
  5. BC Says:
  6. A) Read the first post from April 07 and my first thought was "bloody hell man!" Were you trying to kill people?!?

    B) Something seems a little suspect about Hilg's handstand picture. How does one do a handstand while keeping a hat perfectly in place on one's head? I'm sensing a little trickeration here, kind of like the old 1960's Batman TV series, when Batman and Robin would be "rope climbing" up a wall, yet their capes were perfectly in place to their backs. Come clean Hilg!!! (just kidding, awesome pic!)

    C) Weird wod today. I couldn't get them down at all during the warmup so I went extremely light, 53#, then during the wod things just clicked and I finished in 7:07. Way too light but at least I got the movement down pretty good.
  7. Jake Says:
  8. 9:40 with 65#, went 1 for 1 (25 each arm). I think I should go heavier as I was finally getting the hang of the movent.

    Great work 6 am
  9. Jess Says:
  10. 7:17 with 33#, broke them up into 5 each arm. I finally got the movement down about rep 20.

    Great job 6am peeps
  11. GregP Says:
  12. Great job 6AM!

    #53, 9:48 did 25 each side.
  13. Gina Says:
  14. This was definitely awkward trying to learn this. I used 43#, broke them up into 5's, switching hands each set of 5.

    Nice job everyone today.
  15. Erica Says:
  16. 7:12 with 33lbs....prolly coulda gone heavier but I was all awkward when I put any kind of weight on the bar so I stayed light. Good job 12p!
  17. GregP Says:
  18. CONGRATULATIONS CFO! on the 1000th post. May there be 1000s more !!
  19. Tovar Says:
  20. Wow I can actually remember that post. Look at little D's pic way back in April 2007.... it's hard to believe that was almost 3 years ago. Man how time flies! Keep up the good work Rick, Joe, and the rest of the gang!
  21. Gdawg Says:
  22. This comment has been removed by the author.
  23. Jenni Says:
  24. Trek Up the Tower update!!

    So here's the rundown of what happened... When we discussed this in the blog, the trek was apparently already full. After some begging, I got them to open up some more time slots so we had a chance to register. We had about 5 people get registered before the slots were full again. Steve called Becky at the wellness council (402.934.5795) and asked to be put on standby just in case someone canceled. Well he got a spot just a couple of days later. If you're still interested, I'd say to try that method. I found out I'll be out of town for work that same weekend (2 hours after I registered) so I've given my spot up to Shelley. If you get registered, let me know, but I think we should make Steve the new team captain :)
  25. Danielle Ostronic Says:
  26. 5:36 with 33# maybe i should have gone heavier, but 45 was really was going to happen. So what do you do?
  27. Stacie Says:
  28. Blog #2 - I mastered a couple muscle ups tonight! Pretty pumped. Benchmarks here I come!

    8:47 rxd
  29. Steve Says:
  30. Sure, I can handle Team Captain. Like Jenni said, I contacted the POC listed on the Trek up the Twr webpage and begged to be let in. That was Friday, they called me back this morning with a slot. If you're interested, call Becky at the number above and get on the list. Sounds like they had 1250 people registered, so odds are good some will fall out.
  31. Mark Says:
  32. 11:52 Rx'd. A lot slower that I wanted but the reps got pretty tough when my strength started deteriorating.
  33. Addi Says:
  34. 5:56 rx'd (with 55 reps? I'm pretty sure I counted 25-30 twice...)

    I will do this EVERY. DAY. I don't know what it was, but I loved this. Didn't even feel like work.

    Congratulations on the muscle-ups, Stacie!
  35. Kat Says:
  36. I finished in 10:10 Rx'd. I did like this wod a lot, I have been surprising myself lately with what I have been pulling out, thanks Addi and Stacie for all the support! Great job everyone!! Congrats on the muscle-ups Stacie!
  37. Crystal Says:
  38. 8:38 @33#. it was hard to keep the balance. this is the most difficult of the lifts for me. doing it with two hands, let alone one! need lots of work on this.

    way to go stacie on the muscle ups and hspu's! also to gina on her pullup! you girls rock.

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