Sunday 100131

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Low Bar Back Squat, Front Squat, or Overhead Squat
5, 5, 3, 3x5 reps

Utilize 5, 5, and 3 reps as warm-up sets (for example, if you are going to use 225 for work sets, warm-up weights should be 95x5, 132x5, and 185x3). For the next three sets, maintain or drop the weight a little and complete 5 reps with that same weight. Your choice of exercise.

Barbell Bent Over Row [video]

Pull the bar to a spot that is just above the belly button and none higher. The goal here is to maintain a rigid back and refrain from using momentum (strict).

followed by,

3 rounds:
10 RDL's (154#/110#) [video]
10 Box Jumps (as high as you want)
Rest 1 minute

Post experience to comments.

Becky Vance

Gym will be open at 1PM.

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14 Responses to "Sunday 100131"

  1. Eric C Says:
  2. 130 flights of stairs this am (Mutual of Omaha building)
    10 rounds -- 13 floors each round.
    Rounds 1 thru 8 times were 2:25 - 2:30
    Round 9 = 2:16
    Round 10 = 1:49.

    2 mins rest between each round.
  3. Mel C Says:
  5. Shelley Says:
  6. Chose OHS and did 99# for first 2 sets of 5 (dropped bar after first 3 reps of first set before finishing next 2 reps) but 2nd set at 99# felt good. Did 3rd set of 5 at 109# and those felt good. Did 121# for 3 reps which is a PR. Old 1 RM was 114# so I was happy with this.

    Did barbell bent over rows at 77, 87 and 99.

    Did RDL's Rx'd and added a red bumper to 24# box for the jumps.

    Fun group today! Enjoyed working out with some new people.

    Congrats Stacie on your HSPU and to Gina for getting your first pullup!!

    Worked on CTB pullups afterwards and those felt good (used reverse grip which helps me on these).
  7. katiemorgan Says:
  8. NICE WORK STACIE!!! WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!
  9. Jenni Says:
  10. Did 92 lbs on front squat which felt good. For the rows I did 63 pounds. I really liked this lift a lot. I don't think I've ever done them before. Finally, I tried to do the jumps but got yelled at by "the man" at the gym on base. Apparently stacking weights under benches is completely unacceptable. They do have aerobics step ups and you can use two if you'd like... Yet again, CFO is the best.
  11. Donohoe Says:
  12. sunday funday,
    Today worked on bck squat finished 305 or 308 for 4.5 got jammed into the ground on my last set. Then did rows and finished with 175 for rdl and about hip height for box jumps. Good group and good work out today.
    Donohoe is slowly moving out...
  13. Stacie Says:
  14. So excited that I had to post my first blog ever since I started xfit! Got my first hspu today. Muscle ups here I come!
  15. paul Says:
  16. Somehow I just assumed you could already do HSPU, Stacie! But congrats, and I'm sure muscle-ups are not far behind.
  17. Allison H :) Says:
  18. becky is a rockstar!!!!

    good work stacie!!! that is awesome!
  19. Paula Says:
  20. Lookin' good Becky!! Great job Gina and Stacie!!!

    Wanted to come in today, but got called into work! Will have to make this one up on Tues.....Looks like fun!
  21. BC Says:
  22. Backsquats, 5x3 @ 230#
    Rows, 10x3 @ 110#
    Metcon rx'd 154# rdl, box jump approx hip height (40ish inches)

    Love Sunday fun-days!
  23. Danielle Ostronic Says:
  24. worked on OHS, hate them!! Used 77# but couldnt get 5 in a row ever got 4 most of the time....boooo. Everything else was fun!
  25. Gdawg Says:
  26. This comment has been removed by the author.
  27. hannah eileen Says:
  28. I got 144# on low bar back squat. Felt really tough today. I need to work more on strength!
    Great job Stacie and Gina! Getting that first one is the hardest part. It's all downhill from there!

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