Monday 100118

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
As many rounds in 8 minutes of:
12 Front Squats, 132#/93#
12 Burpees

Post rounds and half rounds to comments.

Compare to 090930

I have posted the above compare to as we have done this workout in the past and I have decided to bring it back for another go. If you click on the link above, you will be taken to the day the workout was attempted the first time around. Here you will find posted comments on how you did and what weights you used.

If you logged your workout on LogWod, you will also be able to see your previous results there as well. Over the next few weeks, I will post previously attempted workouts mixed in with new ones. This should give you a chance to check progress. Are you stronger, faster, both?

Or did you not post your results to comments on the day the workout was posted? How do you know if you are actually making progress if you are not posting your WOD results to comments or logwod? I suggest you start today..... You don't need to post something remarkable or witty on this blog, just how you did and/or how much weight you used (no matter how good or bad you think you did). Your results are important. This is your online progress tracker. Use it as such.

Robert Alexander

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23 Responses to "Monday 100118"

  1. Rita Says:
  2. Used the same amount of weight as I did in September to compare amount of rounds.

    6 rounds at 63# today - increased from 3 rounds in September.
  3. Shelley Says:
  4. 5 Rounds plus 4 squats Rx'd; this is an improvement over last time as I was 9 burpees short of 5 rounds then.

    Great job Gina on going 30# over weight you did last time (went Rx'd). Way to push yourself!!

    Great job as usual to 6 a.m. crew.
  5. Shelley Says:
  6. Way to go Rita! Just read your post.
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. Nice work ladies :) Improvement is always a good feeling :)

    I made up the lunge/squat/pushup WOD over the weekend and my legs hurt to touch today! I was hoping there wouldn't be a squat workout today....apparently that is not going to be the case :(

    I will be in later....
  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. Nice work ladies :) Improvement is always a good feeling :)

    I made up the lunge/squat/pushup WOD over the weekend and my legs hurt to touch today! I was hoping there wouldn't be a squat workout today....apparently that is not going to be the case :(

    I will be in later....
  11. BC Says:
  12. 3 rounds today rx'd (previous attempt was 4 rounds @ 98#). Even though I completed 1 less round the extra 34# more than makes up for it. Those rest day back squats are paying off.
  13. Jake Says:
  14. 2 rounds and 4 front squats at rx'd. Plenty of room for improvement. Great work 6 a.m.
  15. paul Says:
  16. Great work, people!

    Sadly, I barely improved. 4.5 rds. I got a few more FS, but basically got the same number of rounds. I guess I felt less like I wanted to die than last time, but not by much...
  17. Fish Says:
    3 ROUNDS @ 110#
  19. Gdawg Says:
  20. This comment has been removed by the author.
  21. B3nj4m1n Says:
  22. Nice job nooners. 3.5 rounds rx'd. Last time I think I did four rounds with 110 so this was an improvement for me.
  23. Jenni Says:
  24. Went on base today to do this. Completed 3 rounds plus 6 squats into the next set. First round was RX'd, then I dropped down to 75 lbs. I did more squats this time and at a whopping almost 30 pounds more at my lowest weight!
  25. Gina Says:
  26. Last time I used 63# and completed 3 rounds + 5 squats. Today I went rx'ed and used 92#. I finished 3 rounds with about 20 seconds to spare. I am happy with this improvement.

    Nice job everyone today. Great class as always!
  27. Shelley Says:
  28. If anyone is planning on going as a spectator, I can register you for free as my guest. Just let me know via email at

    I think I will have to do this by Jan 31st.
  29. Shelley Says:
  30. The above post refers to sectionals which are in St. Charles Feb 12-14.
  31. Allison H :) Says:
  32. Looks like I didn't do this wod before, and I don't remember it from before either...
    3.5 rounds I would say (Was on 4th rd at 4 burpees when time was called)

    Disappointed in myself because I know the last time we front squated 3x5 I did it at 124#, soo had planned on going rxd today, but I screwed myself with a 10 mile run before 4:30 class today.... whoopsie-daisies!!!!
  33. Allison H :) Says:
  34. just logged my wod and saw that I did do this before. had used same wt, and almost made same progress. last time did 3 complete rds and was on 4th at 9th burpee when time was called. should have got further than that today if it wasn't for running before class. Shooot!

    I need more cardio in a day/week than what I sometimes get from a CF class... the thing is.....

    Run before CF = suck at leg work in wod and have to use lighter wt sometimes, and depending on distance have decreased energy for an intense wod like todays
    CF before run = too exhausted to get very far, and then my shin splints, hammys, quads, and back all scream at me to stop. In the end, it sucks too.

    gotta find my happy-medium :)
    dangit dangit dangit
  35. Danielle Ostronic Says:
  36. did 3 rounds rx'd last time I used 77# and got 3.5 rounds so i take this as a success :)
  37. kahrs Says:
  38. 2 burpees short of 4 rounds, didn't do this before but I liked it a lot
  39. Steve Says:
  40. 3 rounds as rx'd.
  41. Crystal Says:
  42. finished 3 rounds with 6 front squats of round 4. used 77#. decided to stay with weight i used the last time. i improved by almost 2 rounds. looking forward to doing rx'd next time around.

    great job 6:30.
  43. Iron Nerd Says:
  44. Knocked out 3 rounds with 88# on the front squats.
  45. Kat Says:
  46. I completed 3 rounds RX'd.....I'm disapointed that I didn't do 4. I completed the 3rd round with about 38 sec left and decided that I was finished. I can't wait to try this one again!

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