Wednesday 090930

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
As many rounds in 8 minutes of:
12 Front Squats, 132#/93#
12 Burpees

Post time to comments.

Nick "The IrishMAN" Patrick (ha)

Those of you going to the Next Level Games will use today as a time to prepare for competition. I would recommend that you put some bumpers on a couple of barbells and practice farmer's walks, do some tire flips for a certain distance, and try and push and pull someone's car up and down the driveway to the side of the gym.

If you want to do today's WOD, I think it would be okay as it is only 8 minutes long. You could then finish with some strongman event practice.

I would then take Thursday as a normal rest day and do only Snatch on Friday (no met-con).

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27 Responses to "Wednesday 090930"

  1. hannah eileen Says:
  2. My 8am spot is open on Saturday. I will happily be walking with Brady boy!
  3. Linds Says:
  4. My 9am spot is open this Saturday. I have to work at 8am. Hopefully I can go to Brady's Brigade next year!
  5. Allison H :) Says:
  6. Yayaya! Burpees! :)
  7. Eric C Says:
  8. 3 1/2 rounds. Working out at Globogym SUX! Too easly to be a wuss. I need motivators like all of the morning monsters!
  9. paul Says:
  10. wow. that was an exhausting 8 minutes. got 4 full rounds. really wanted 5. i felt completely spent after round 2. i need to learn to work harder in that condition.
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. This was tough, but it felt good. I got 4 and a half rounds Rx'd; 9 burpees short of completing 5 rounds.

    Thanks Jess for offering up your car to practice pushing for this weekend's games. Farmer's walk with barbells feels weird; thanks for the tips Joe and Greg Mo.

    Great Job 6 a.m.!!! I've missed coming in at this time so it was great to be there this a.m.

  13. Anonymous Says:
  14. I just posted to logwod and put in 4:30 thinking this would equate to 4.5 rounds since it asked for time instead of rounds. I don't know if anyone else noticed this or posted this way.

  15. Anonymous Says:
  16. I just went back in to logwod, and it's been changed to rounds instead of time so disregard previous post.

  17. Addi Says:
  18. I want to push a carrrrrrrrrrrrrr.....

    AND no metcon on Friday? Ricky, I'm taking back most of the bad things I've said about you. On a strictly probational basis, of course. I reserve the right to give them back. For instance, if you ever make me run a 5k again. Ever.
  19. Crystal Says:
  20. Happy Birthday Danielle! Have a wonderful day!
  21. Cari Says:
  22. Happy Birthday Danielle!!
  23. Blog on Life Says:
  24. Addi, I only read the comments for yours. Seriously. I effing love you.
  25. Addi Says:
  26. Also, I still have my 8 am spot available for this Saturday.

    Mel, love you more!
  27. Blog on Life Says:
  28. My 9am spot is still open! Joe would like me to let you know his 9am spot is open as well.
  29. Gina Says:
  30. Addi, I will take your 8am spot on Saturday. That will leave my 9am open if anyone else wants it.

    I got 3 rounds and 5 front squats in 8 min, using 63lbs. These past three days have been tough, I am looking forward to the rest day tomorrow! The extra hour and a half of sleep is also nice too.
  31. Jess Says:
  32. This metcon sucked a$$!!! I did not enjoy it one bit. 4 rounds even using 43#.

    Shelley, GregMO, and I worked on BB farmer walks and car pushing. That helped calm my nerves for this weekend...ALOT! Thanks guys. I am just praying for a car smaller than my 2 door Mitsubishi Eclipse to push. pushing...never in a million years...only at CrossFit.

    Great job 6am peeps. See you Friday am. :u)
  33. Greg MO Says:
  34. My 9am spot is open!
  35. hannah eileen Says:
  36. that was fun. I finished 4 rounds. I grabbed the bar to start the front squats, but time was called. Great job nooners!
  37. Anonymous Says:
  38. Sweet Pic!!!

  39. Brandon Says:
  40. My lungs haven't felt quite so taxed for a long time. What a hard metcon!

    As RX'd = 4 rounds

  41. Anonymous Says:
  42. Holy crap! That WOD was tough! Scaled to 63# and finished with exactly 4 rds with 5 secs to spare....thanks to Ricky, Jon, and Amanda for the extra push at the end. Awesome work 4:30!!!

  43. B3nj4m1n Says:
  44. Did 3.5 rounds rx'd wanted 4 but the front squats were too slow for me. Great job everybody, my legs hurt.
  45. Gdawg Says:
  46. This comment has been removed by the author.
  47. BC Says:
  48. I think I'm suffering ABdo. Is that a real thing? I think so because my abs huuuuuuuuurt.

    4 rounds scaled to 98#. I'm absolutely spent.

    Farmers walk w/ barbell = really, really awkward. It was good to give a try though and I'm looking forward to the NL games, hopefully the vehicle we have down there will be close to the same size as Crystals. I seemed to be able to get that going pretty well, even though I think Ricky may have been riding the brake a little, just for funsies.
  49. Addi Says:
  50. Black lung sucks.

    4 rounds Rx'd - burpees ruin my life.

    No car pushing today, but I got in some farmer's walks and some tire flips. And then stopped at Hy-Vee covered in some pretty bad-ass tread marks.
  51. Addi Says:
  52. Gina - it's all yours!
  53. JimmyG Says:
  54. 3 rounds and 2 squats...gotta step my game up. Can't say it enough...It's good to be back.

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