Tuesday 100119

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Press 3RM

Find your 3 rep max in the press.

followed by,

Five, four, then three rounds for time of:
5 Box Jumps, Red bumper on a 24 inch box
Two Arm DB Power Snatch, 10 reps (35#/20#)
15 KB Swings (2/1.5 pood)

You will attempt to complete the above sequence for 5 rounds in as fast a time as possible. Once all five rounds are complete, you will rest for 2 minutes. When your rest is up, start the sequence again for 4 more rounds. After this round of 4, rest for only 1.5 minutes before starting the sequence for a final and last time of 3 rounds. You are responsible for your own rest as the clock will be running continuously.

Post total time, including rest, to comments.

Tessa Wyborny

This Friday we will be offering every person who makes it in to the morning classes an opportunity to eat some food. We are looking into having Le Peep (Rita) cater some breakfast. I am guessing it will consist of an egg scramble, fruit, and coffee.

There will be a small fee, such as $5 or so, to help cover the cost of the food. You don't have be a regular am'er to come early and enjoy it along with some fellowship. Everyone is invited.

We hope to have it served by 6AM and last until at least 7:30AM. I will let you know more concrete details as I learn them.

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23 Responses to "Tuesday 100119"

  1. Shelley Says:
  2. 82 on press.

    DNF on metcon; did first 5 rounds in 11:45, rested 2 mins, finished next 4 rounds at 25:05, rested 1.5 mins and had just finished round 2 of power snatch when time was called (30 mins).

    This was a tough WOD.
  3. paul Says:
  4. OUCH! metcon: DNF (finshed 9 full rds and all but 1 swing of rd. 10).

    Press: 120x3. Couldn't quite get 132 off my shoulders.
  5. Fish Says:
  6. DNF-5 rounds 14:40 had kettle ball swings left on the 4th round at cut off. 24 inch box no bumper, 25# DB's, 1.5 pood
    142# press, tried #152, only got 2
  7. BC Says:
  8. Bad day today, DNF'd on both wod's. Press was going really well and I got through 108# with little problem but ran out of time before I got to attempt anything heavier. Definitely a big fan of the new technique Ricky taught us today. DNF rx'd on the metcon, barely made it past the half way mark. The 2 pood swings were brutal and just killed my lower back, and the 2 min rest may have actually made things worse. Not my best morning.
  9. GregP Says:
  10. 98# on press. DNF on Metcon got to 8 KB swings left on rd 9. Used #25 for snatches and 1.5 pd for KB swings. I tweaked my back last time we did Helen so I am pretty pleased the 127 KB swings I did went so well.
  11. Unknown Says:
  12. What this WOD taught me was never ever to take a month off again.

    88 on the presses. DNF the met con. Brutal doesn't do this one justice. Used 25 then 20s on the snatches. 1.5 KB for the swings. I hate those things.

    Nice work 5a.
  13. Cari Says:
  14. Have been terrible about coming in the last couple months but I'm feeling back on track this week! 63# on the press and DNF on the metcon; had to leave around min 21-22 or I would have been late for work. Finished 6 rounds. Great job 6am!
  15. Eric C Says:
  16. I took the walk of shame today. Embarrassed to say the least. I don't like leaving when everyone else is still working hard. Actually, I'm not sure I could have finished anyway. My back was TRASHED. Plus, Paul Audi and I were locked in a death stare as we battled to try and get a lead... and that really pushing me. And then 7:00 am hit and I had to leave. I was in 2nd round of 2nd set. Seriously doubt if I could finish 5 more rounds.
  17. Gina Says:
  18. Press- 87#, tried 92 with no success
    DNF on the metcon: I got through 5 jumps of the ninth round, those were really slow as always, but maybe getting a little better.

    Today was tough, nice job everyone!
  19. Rita Says:
  20. Decided last night to rx today for weight no matter what the wod because I went for time yesterday rather than weight.

    Except, every movement for today's wod represented either a weakness or nemesis for me.

    Press: 68# x 3.

    WOD: DNF. 3rd snatch into 6th round.

    +: did all the jumps rx'd. I'm terrified of jumping and landing on a box, so I landed on a plate and it was cool.
    +: I've never used a 1.5 pood before. So that was pretty cool, too!
    -:No comment on the snatches. My little temper was flairing, though.

    All in all, it was pretty awesome to see the 5 am class doing this wod. Good job, 5:00!
  21. Paula Says:
  22. Press- 87# x 3

    Metcon- DNF- used only box, #15 db for snatches and 1.5 pood KB. I was 7 swings short of finishing 9th rd.
    TOUGH WOD!!!!! KB swings got really heavy.

    Awesome work 5am'ers!!!
  23. kahrs Says:
  24. Press - 87#x3 Was hoping for somewhere around 100. Don't know why - just a number I picked out of the air. Couldn't get 99# past my nose, no matter how easy Libby made it look. No time to drop to 92#.

    Metcon - 14:08. Used 25# dumbbells. Joe and Ricky were merciful at noon and cut the workout to 3-2-1 rounds. This was the first time I've had to break up swings in a LONG time. Those snatches killed my grip. No idea how the morning kids survived 5-4-3.
  25. Addi Says:
  26. Oops. That was me, not Josh.
  27. BigD Says:
  28. Since I'm following in FLA, were these presses done strict?
  29. Becky Says:
  30. Did 77# for the press, not as good as I wanted, but that's how it goes. Had 45 seconds left when I started the last round, did rx for all but the box jumps, used a green rather than red.
  31. Iron Nerd Says:
  32. 120# on the press... it's amazing what a 5# difference does.

    15 minutes was up while I was doing snatches in the 5th round, so I got to finish that up.
  33. Steve Says:
  34. 154 x 3 for press. 5 rounds for metcon.
  35. Steve Says:
  36. And I can't even begin to imagine how anybody could have done this 5,4, and 3.
  37. Danielle Ostronic Says:
  38. Press was 68#, only got through 5 rounds of metcon Rx'd
  39. Danielle Ostronic Says:
  40. ditto to Steve's last comment
  41. linds Says:
  42. Press 77# x 3, failed at 87#. Finished the metcon in 15:32, rx'd.
  43. Kat Says:
  44. I got 87# x 3 and I was shooting for 99#, couldn't get that bad boy up though! Maybe next time!

    I finished the metcon at 14:12 and then laid on the floor for about 10 the heck did anyone do more than 6 rounds of that hell workout! Hats off to you beasts with the 5,4,3!
  45. Gdawg Says:
  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

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