Monday 080804

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


Split Jerk 5-3-2-2-1-1-1 reps

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Compare to 080428.

Brady Shannon. The newest member of our community. Congrats again, Jeff and Jen.

We have a special group of people here at CrossFit and Joe I would like to thank those of you that came out on a hot Sunday afternoon to help at the new building. It was greatly appreciated.

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17 Responses to "Monday 080804"

  1. Melissa B Says:
  2. Love the picture...congrats again!
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. Congrats Jeff & Jen, Brady is adorable, I love his stocking cap.

    109# 1 rep, failed on 119#
  5. A Says:
  6. That has to be the cutest picture ever! I want my own "little" Crossfitter! Congrats again!
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. Again I sucked today! I got to 119 and failed twice at 132. I don't know how I got 121 3x last time. And why am I getting weaker? What the hell?
    Barb kicked ass today!!! You have come a long way since you started. Great job!

    Oh- I can't wait to see that baby in real life!
  9. Greg MO Says:
  10. 154x5, 174x3, 198x2, 208x2, 220x1, 235 miss, 235x1...
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. Congratulations! Did you all see the CF-Baby "onesie" from a few months back that read, "I poop for time" on it?

    Keep lot of wipes on hand for all the BURPEES!

    USAF Husker living @ Ellsworth AFB, SD
  13. JimmyG Says:
  14. got to 220 x 1 then missed 242 twice, probably should have lowered the weight on my last attempt, but I thought there was chance.
  15. paul Says:
  16. Greg and Jimbo--awesome jerks! I am jealous!

    I just finished doing:

    4 rds with a 20# vest

    150m run
    2 min of tabata squats (i.e., 4 cycles, and I got 12 each round)

    finished 10:46
  17. Anonymous Says:
  18. i am stoked! the only thing i have done body weight in ever is deadlift and thats a given, but i did today! i got 131. i tried for 136 but failed 2x. o well. i gave up mentally after i got 131. thanks everyone at 5:30 for the encouragement. i couldnt have gotten it without you!
    jeff, your son is so cute. glad to see the family is doing well and that you got some sleep. bring him up as soon as you can!
    kylie, i am glad you had a good birthday!
  19. Anonymous Says:
  20. Hannah you rock! Hannah made me do the same thing as her, so thanks to Hannah I also got 131 and failed at 136....Hannah was in the zone and her form was awesome....mine on the other hand left something to be desired ;)

    Congrats! Super cute baby name!!
  21. Anonymous Says:
  22. love the picture, looks like he is ready to break right through that blanket and show us how it's done :) Super Cute!!

    I didnt get a really high weight today and I am ok with that, think I got to 79 lbs :( It must have been my attire....hahaha

    Nice numbers ladies!!!
  23. A Says:
  24. This comment has been removed by the author.
  25. A Says:
  26. See, the difference is, I was THRILLED to get 119, while Ang thinks she sucked. What's up with that? That's not lioness talk. :-)

    I guess I didn't think about it, but 119's over my current bodyweight, so that's cool, too. Never thought I'd see that day!

    Did Grace after, with 77#
    Time = 4:11. Yeah, my time was like 10:00-something the last time I battled Grace, so again, THRILLED!
    Great job to everyone at 6:30! A big welcome to my pals, Julie and Greg! Way to work! Good to see you again, Nick!
  27. Anonymous Says:
  28. I got to 202#, I tried 212# and failed. My goal was to break 200 so I think (like Hannah) that when I accomplished my goal I gave up mentally.

    Great work everyone at 5:30, I saw some crazy weights being lifted!!
  29. Nick Says:
  30. got up to 282 once on split jerk. this was a 20 lb. increase since last time. jeremy was forcing me to keep up but i just couldn't quite hang with him.

    Then did Grace in 2:22 prescribed, good stuff. Great job 7:30
  31. ZachR Says:
  32. Got up to 225 and missed at 235. I think I could have got 235 with a little more focus. A goal for next time. Good work to everyone especially Hannah.
  33. zj Says:
  34. 164x1(x2), 174x1FAILx2
    Really would like to find the weak link in this lift and make some gains. I've been stuck at near this weight for awhile.
    185x5,195x2 on front squats improved my mood a little because I think that is a PR.

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