Tuesday 080805

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


Rest Day.

Courtesy of CrossFit Rockwall

"In CrossFit, the goal is to move large loads, long distance, quickly. But, which of those variable is most important - the load, the distance or the time? Is it better to be faster with a lighter load? Or move a heavier load more slowly? It all depends on your goals, but if you really want to push your limits, keep an eye on your power output. Let's do some theoretical calculations..."

Read more here...

A fond farewell to Jimbo Garofalo. He has been re-stationed and leaves us for now. We wish him the best of luck and hope that he comes back often. He has made great strides with CrossFit and has developed into a monster. His numbers on strength days are sick and have improved ten fold from when he first started with us. Keep up the great work and post comments often as you will never fully part from this community. Good Luck my friend.

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14 Responses to "Tuesday 080805"

  1. A Says:
  2. JimmyG, we will miss you so much!!! Hope to see you again soon!
  3. Steve Says:
  4. Jimmy!! Best of luck in the DC area and for the rest of your AF career. I know you'll go far.
  5. Melissa B Says:
  6. NOOOOOOOO JIMMY DON"T GO!!!!!!!!!! but if you have to, keep kicking a** in D.C. and visit
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. It was great getting to know you and CrossFitting with you Jim. I wish you the best of luck and I hope you come back to visit from time to time!
  9. kahrs Says:
  10. Hope you enjoy DC, and find a great new CrossFit gym. It won't be the same without you pushing me to go just a little harder.
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. Ahh... Jimmy Frank! I am going to miss you! Good luck in DC. Hopefully I will be able to come visit soon!
  13. Anonymous Says:
  14. Will Miss you Jimbo!!!!! Enjoy DC!!
  15. Anonymous Says:
  16. JimBo sad to see you go :( good luck in DC, the year will go by so fast, you will be back in no time! Congrats on your ban on smoking, that's GRRRREAT!!
  17. paul Says:
  18. Hate to see you leave, Jimbo! CF Omaha won't be the same without you! You're a beast, bro, and i hope you're back with us soon!

    And to Kylie, a belated Happy Birthday!
  19. Anonymous Says:
  20. jimbo, you will be missed! maybe i'll just have to plan a trip out to visit you.

    today's workout was brutal! o, and i DNF.

    5 rds:
    150 m sprint
    5 burpees (all real ones!)
    10 OH lunges (baby kb in one hand above head)
    10 box jumps
    10 12# med ball slams
    5 burpees

    15 min cutoff and i was 1 burpee away from finishing rd 4. great job today noon'ers!
  21. Jen Says:
  22. Jimbo it was great getting to know you. Your a great guy and CF Omaha will definitely miss you. Best of luck on learning Cantonese. I am sure you will do great!
  23. Anonymous Says:
  24. JIMMMM you can't go while megan and i are in atlanta!!!! we need to say goodbye to you!!! best of luck with your move!!! party hard brother!
    KAT and MEGAN!!
  25. paul Says:
  26. tabata deadlifts (155#): I did 8 every round, but i think i went over 20 seconds on a couple, so i'm calling my score 7.
  27. Anonymous Says:
  28. Jimmy, we'll miss you so much!!

    anyway...i've been really good all summer long, and i may or may not be taking the week off. just to give ricky and joe a challenge when i get back next week:)

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