
Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Let me see a show of hands from all those that are hurting somewhere on their body from this past Saturday. You guys were working so hard during the hopper I can only imagine what your bodies felt like on Sunday and even today. Thanks again for everyone's help in making this event such a huge success. I also want to thank Courtney and Mike Ask for their help with counting reps and running errands with little notice. Thanks a bunch. Next year is going to rock. With enough time and notice, I think we can possibly triple the amount of people competing and/or watching.

Thanks again and looking forward to seeing all of you this evening.

Jimbo getting ready to press.

Split Jerk 3-3-3-3-3 reps
Compare to 080123

It's been a while since we last attacked this movement. Have fun and let's see some new pr's being set.

Post loads to comments.

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22 Responses to "Sore?"

  1. paul Says:
  2. my legs are sore in every possible way--but not my lower back, which is awesome. it started with hamstrings, then the glutes kicked in, and by yesterday evening, my quads were burning. great feeling, though!
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. Sore is an understatement!! Heck I was sore when I left on Saturday :(

    I was thinking of putting a phone/email list together for everyone so if you are interested send your info to I can send it out when its done.
  5. BillRod Says:
  6. What up Omaha?! Thanks for having us this past weekend and for hosting the challenge... we had a great time and we will definitely be back for more. Keep us updated on the new facility.

    Stop by if you are ever in Des Moines...

    Billy Rodgers
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. Sore is definitely an understatement....I need a walker to help me around today! My DOMS are kickin today!!! (delayed onset of muscle soreness....) But it was fun anyways.........reba
  9. Matt Says:
  10. Thanks for setting up the event and letting us workout with you guys! It was a great time.

    Hopefully we can visit again. If you are ever in Des Moines make sure to stop by.

    Matt Matijevich
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. On behalf of all the CrossFitters out at Boys Town, I would like to extend a heartfelt Thank You to everyone out of CrossFit Omaha. We greatly appreciate the warm welcome we received from everyone, and it was awesome working with so many kick-ass athletes. We look forward to the next event, and we hope to make it down there again soon. Oh yeah, we're all sore as hell too.
    Matt, Jay, Mike, Eric, Nicole, Dani, and Brian
  13. Anonymous Says:
  14. I thought yesterday was bad, but I am way more sore today. Mostly quads and my lower back... must not have used the best form on the deadlifts...
    Worth it though! Saturday was awesome!
  15. Anonymous Says:
  16. I am so sore yet today so not to sure about working out tonight. I am walking like an old man w/a corn cob stuck up my @$$. I do feel better though knowing that Ricky and Joe are going to complete same hopper that we did on Saturday. At least they should, right?
  17. Anonymous Says:
  18. Ricky and Joe definitely need to do the same hopper. . . its really only fair - - 35 air squats might not have looked bad on paper, felt like H*ll in the end!! reba
  19. Anonymous Says:
  20. I love reading everyone's comments, you guys are funny! congrats to everyone who participated and helped out, it was so exciting!! Even though I couldn't move yesterday I decided to go line dancing last night...I think it helped because I actually feel pretty good today!! I am gonna miss the crap out of all you this summer! Can't wait to come back to a new facility and probably some new faces!!! see ya tonight!!!

  21. Anonymous Says:
  22. I got 3 reps at 97lbs, and one at 107lbs. my one rep max last time was 97, so yah for improvement. and if anyone finds my lost camera, you would be favorite person ever.
  23. Anonymous Says:
  24. I got up to 121 (which is Blues) once and I could have done all 3 reps, but I was feeling pretty lazy. I did do 3 reps of 109 though. Thanks Joe for making me try heavy weights!
  25. Anonymous Says:
  26. First time trying Split Jerk.
    I got up #152 x 3.
  27. Anonymous Says:
  28. No clue what my final weight was - I still haven't memorized the conversion....two yellows plus the bar......felt awkward at first, but got better as it got heavier - or that could be my mind playing tricks on me today...reba - nice job Ang on those blues...
  29. Anonymous Says:
  30. Round 4 was 2x 198 I thought I was being lazy and wanted to break 200 so my last round was for 208. I made 1 rep before I dropped it. Still it's a 1 rep max for me.

    I made all 3 reps on 172.

    See you guys tomorrow!!
  31. Nick Says:
  32. got 252 two times. so close to getting that third one but just couldn't hold it and stand up straight. my one rep max last time was 262 so pretty similar. great work everyone!
  33. Anonymous Says:
  34. I got up blues on all 3 for the last set, I don't have a clue what I have done in the past so I'm pretty happy with it! AND I tried kipping pullups again tonight and I got em back!!! i was so upset on that Grindy workout when i couldn't get em! YAY! Great job to everyone tonight!!

  35. paul Says:
  36. got 174 3 times, failed on 198. great work as always, everyone!
  37. Dave Paladino Says:
  38. I know, I am not a true corssfiter, I have to try to get my running in, esecially after the run saturday. So tonight I ran 12 miles. I did a negative split--finally. I could not have done it with out Joe and Zach J's advice on the use of a contrast shower.
  39. Anonymous Says:
  40. I'm not 100% positive but I think I got to 97, but only twice.
  41. kahrs Says:
  42. Believe I made it to 172 and got it 3 times, if I remember right. Need to practice this lift more as I feel really uncomfortable with it.
  43. zj Says:
  44. Got Blues + 10's but was afraid to do more with my POS knee.

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