One Word: FUN

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Today was a huge success. We had friends from Des Moines and Leavenworth and it wouldn't have been the same without them. Boystown threw in their own flavor and we had a bona fide challenge. It was an inspiring sight to see and it will only grow from here. We have awesome clients who make CrossFit Omaha what it is and we wouldn't have it any other way. I love coming to work everyday and hope that the next ten years involve everyone of you. Paul, Josh, Addi, Kylie, Angela, Jimbo, Steve, Dave, Crystal, Reba, Kat, Megan, Tovar, Nick, the McGuire's, Lisa, Greg, Alison, Conor, Jeff, both Zach's, Hannah, Libby, Mel, and everyone else that we may have forgotten to mention that has made us who we are, thank you for your hard work.

Thanks to CrossFit Iowa, especially Tim and Angie Starmer, for their awesome help and their great team. We had a lot of fun and hope to do a lot of things in the future with you all. Tim Bairstow from CrossFit Results, you are an awesome athlete and we were excited to have you come workout with us once more. I hope you all had a great trip and we hope to continue to work together in the future. Thanks.

For time
100 Pushups

Who has the fastest 100? Post time as well as the most pushups you got in a single set to comments.

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13 Responses to "One Word: FUN"

  1. A Says:
  2. I love that I can barely walk today! I had missed crossfit!!! Thanks, Joe and Ricky, for putting on such awesome event, and for creating Crossfitomaha. I have never met such a cool group of crazy, intense people! :-)
    Great job to everyone yesterday!
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. Yesterday was so much fun! I'm so excited to start up in the new place when I get back this fall. And just like Alison, I'm waddling around in pain that i haven't felt in quite a while. i think i'm going to take today off, but i'll see you all tomorrow!
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. Hey everyone...I look forward to hearing the play by play of Saturday's event.
    100 PU's in 8:29 w/ first 50 in 3 minutes
    Single set rep max = 6
    See you all on Monday.
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. There is no chance that I'm doing anything resembling exercise today because, thanks to Steve and Ricky, I had to "shot-gun" a couple beers last night....
  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. thank you steve and ricky for your wonderful influence on my sister! im sure zach and i will be doing the wod as soon as he is done working in the bathroom today.
  11. paul Says:
  12. had a great time yesterday--both the challenge and of course hanging out afterward. you guys rock.
  13. TimB Says:
  14. Guys,
    You put on a quality event yesterday. You run a first rate box and you have some awesome atheletes up there in Omaha- both in performance and attitude. There were somme impressive times and totals during the Challenge- I'm sure that's in no small part due to the superb coaching you're delivering. Keep up the great work and best of luck in the new box.
  15. Dave Paladino Says:
  16. Your kidding me?? 100 pushups? I was lucky to be able to walk my dogs today. Well done Ricky and Joe. The event was very well run. The cash prizes were a VERY nice touch. Good job everyone, It is alot of fun to hang around with people so insane
  17. paul Says:
  18. Thanks for coming out, Tim! (And the same to everyone else who made the trek in from far or near!)
  19. A Says:
  20. Please, please, please, let there be more air squats tomorrow. My hover-round is scheduled to arrive tomorrow morning. It didn't cost me a single penny.
  21. Anonymous Says:
  22. 100 Pushups
    20 in the first set then down to only a few at a time. Shoulders were very tired and when I struggled to get the first 20 I knew I was in trouble. Congrats to all the winners yesterday. Wish I could have been there.
  23. zj Says:
  24. 9:08
    Too many cupcakes,beer and to late at night(10:30) for 100 Pushups.
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