
Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
You guys remember our good friend Jenika from CrossFit Westside don't you? I posted a letter she sent to me a while back on her life as a CrossFit trainer as well as her experiences with the actual program itself. Well she made a bet with a friend (and with yourself) that she would follow the main site as well as strictly adhere to the Zone diet for a period of two months. She, like anyone in her shoes, has struggled staying on the zone but has stuck with it. She has posted to her training blog her progress and this is one such post. What an amazing feat.

Weighted Pull Ups

Week 5 of zoning and WOD's. It has been amazing to see the changes in my body and in my clients who are following the zone. I am so proud of all of my clients who have chosen to follow the zone. They have seen huge results in their fitness and of course their physical shape.

I personally have seen the biggest results from my fitness. I wish we could have gotten a picture of my chin over the bar here, but my camera sucks! Yesterday I did 45lbs weighted strict pull ups. I am totally stoked. I remember when it was soooo hard to do 15lbs. I have to say I am loving Crossfit more than ever!

A strict pullup with 45lbs? I don't know many guys who can do that. It takes hard work and determination to get to this point but it is very easily achievable. The two things that I believe to be the most important. Number one (1) you have to be on a solid nutritional program. Whether that's the zone or not is up to you but a steady diet of alcohol, starches, and sugars will get you nowhere fast. It just comes down to how bad you want to accomplish greatness. Whether you are a guy or a girl you can have a sub 3 minute Fran. You can do Linda as prescribed. You can do a workout like Nasty Girls. How much do you want it? I won't care what you eat if you don't care. You can eat what you want and still do good but not great. Second (2) thing, you have to be able to push beyond your comfort zone. You have to be able to go so hard right out of the gate even if it means you will have trouble finishing the workout. Can you do this? Sometimes you have to do 15 straight pushups when the workout calls for 100 pushup even though you know this will screw the rest of the workout up.

By the way, one more thing, Tovar kept calling me out about doing Saturday's Hopper workout ever since he finished doing it. He kept telling me that it was only fair that I do it. Well, with Zack Johnson, Greg, Jeff, and Joe as my witness, my time was 4:48. Are you happy now Tovar?

As many rounds in 10 minutes
10 Jumping Bar Muscle-ups
10 SDLHP's (95/65)

Scale height of bar to a position that allows you to get at least all 10 reps of the first set of muscle-ups without stopping. This should be somewhere between the armpit and the elbow.

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14 Responses to "What?"

  1. Addi Says:
  2. Boo. I'm stuck at work tonight (Pancake Man).
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. addi, enough of your fake, lame excuses. get you butt here.
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. I agree with Kylie... We miss you Addi!
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. You guys have fun with this workout...I am bummed I will miss my first shot at a modified muscleup - booo - cya guys tomorrow...reba

    Nice Hopper Time there Ricky - you will be feeling the pain now tomorrow - ha!
  9. Nick Says:
  10. Ricky, I know you had talked about it before, but I think a little zone seminar would be good. I have been trying to stick to it without weighing and measuring and sometimes struggle with it. just a thought if anyone else is interested.
  11. paul Says:
  12. excruciating! almost as bad as grindy. 6 rounds, and 8 SDHPs. good work, people!
  13. A Says:
  14. This was terrible, but in a good way. Oh my goodness, how my back does hurt!
    I apologize for my tantrum. I just hate it when I do such a crappy job!!! Great job to everyone else! Oh, and the insult added to injury with the burpees was a nice touch. :-)
    I agree with Nick...a Zone seminar would be fantastic! I just cannot stick to it on my own!
  15. Anonymous Says:
  16. Katie and I did burpee cleans with 25lb db's, jumps, OH squats, and box jumps 3 rounds. first round 1 min each, 2nd round 45 sec each, 3rd round 30 sec each. thirty seconds rest between each exercise, it was pretty tough but fun! we counted our reps and totaled them, 345, ricky said our goal should be to get up to 400 so we will for that next time!! thanks for all the cheers from the 5:30 group!!!

  17. Anonymous Says:
  18. I agree with Nick and Alison and would like a little help with the Zone. And today was way harder than I though... 6 rounds kicked my ass, but I finished and did not have to do any Burpees.
  19. Nick Says:
  20. finished 5 rounds and got about 5 SDHPs. Did the first three rounds on the rings and then switched over to the bar. Those freaking rings owned me!!
  21. A Says:
  22. 5 full rounds with 2 muscle ups left for 6. Happily did 35 hideous burpees.
  23. kahrs Says:
  24. Just barley made it to 6 rounds, had 10 seconds left. This was really tough, had to overcome not wanting to keep going, but the burpees were a good incentive. Good job everyone.
  25. Anonymous Says:
  26. I got my six rounds!! I really liked the jumping bar muscle ups, first time I have ever done those...where have I been?

    I would love a zone seminar, as I somewhat gave up, but I do have the book now so that should help me understand what I am doing :)
  27. zj Says:
  28. What freakin' torture. I think this WO should be called NARF because it is the inverse of FRAN and just as fierce.
    6 rounds exactly but took my time on the last few muscle ups.
    I did the burpees anyway.

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