
Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Fran (Greg and Annie)...[wmv]
Fran-Brett Marshall, 2:19...[mov]

It's that time again. After a good rest day we pick up where we left off. Who will come in and who will be afraid? Remember, we can scale this workout to where you are, whether that's assisted pullups or reduced weight on the thrusters. Come in ready to tangle and let's set some new pr's.

21-15-9 reps for time of:
95#/65# Thrusters

Can you pull in a sub 10min Fran? How about sub 7 minutes? Sub 5 minutes? Sub 3 minutes?

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9 Responses to "Frantastic"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. Hey anonymous! Thanks for doing CrossFit Omaha a favor and choosing another gym to workout in. We don't need that type of attitude in our gym.
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. Oh yeah... I almost forgot. I am looking forward to Fran tonight.
  5. paul Says:
  6. I think the now-famous Anonymous is probably not being serious--probably even knows Joe. But if not, I have to say, I'd love to see someone who chooses a gym on the basis of attire come in and do Fran!
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. 8:11 with 48lbs. i paced myself way better than the last time i did this workout. good job everyone that came in. hopefully see you all tonight!!
  9. Melissa B Says:
  10. 7:21 with 63 lbs. I overpaced myself...could have pushed harder...GREAT JOB EVERYONE!!! Trent awesome job- bloody hands and pretty much strict pull-ups, you're crazy!!!! See y'all tonight (hopefully)
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. I went as RX'd for the first time today. I had to break up the sets and my hand ripped halfway through the WOD, but I got 10:xx I can't remember the seconds. I could have gotten sub 10 if I hadn't stopped to tape my hand up, so I'm pretty happy about my time. See you guys tomorrow!!
  13. paul Says:
  14. Nice work, everyone! Fran is tough. This is my 3rd time, and I got 4:58. Very happy with that!
  15. Anonymous Says:
  16. First Fran, very pleased!
    #75 - 7:26
    Looking forward to improving.
  17. Anonymous Says:
  18. Good luck to Kylie and Mel at the Jay tonight!

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