
Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
These two ladies hit up Fran for the first time and did awesome. Crystal, on the right, finished with a time of 13:41 (55lb. thrusters) and Sherry finished in 15:45 as Rx'd. Great job to you both and keep up the sick work ethic.

Rest, Recovery, and the question of whether one workout is enough, as some beginners think that doing only the WOD is not enough. Listen carefully to Eva T. and what she has to say about these three subjects. This is the the best part in this so far 5 part series.

Tale of a CrossFit Die Hard Part 5, AllisonNYC - video [wmv] [mov]

Back Squat 5-5-5-5-5 reps
Compare to 080213

Warm-up with a couple of sets to get the legs going and then proceed to squat the highest load possible in 5 attempts. A good weight to shoot for is 87.5% of your previous 1RM. Get higher than 87.5% and in theory you have set a new 1RM. Click here for a percentage chart. On the chart find your 1RM in the orange (on either side) and slide over to the number in grey for 87.5% of that 1RM and the goal you should shoot for.

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12 Responses to "Badass"

  1. Melissa B Says:
  2. 165...this is the first time I've ever squatted more than my own fat a**

    Great job everyone...Nick I don't think you're human :)
  3. paul Says:
  4. Great work, everyone!

    I got my goal of 255, with a little help from Ricky on the 4th rep. That was brutal--way harder than 1RM or 2RM!
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. 135. only 2 of the last 5 were deep enough. good job everyone!!!
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. Made it to 235 today I was expecting not much more than 210, so I'm really psyched. Great work today guys!
  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. 155 for 5 reps. by the 3rd rep i just wanted to sit down, but w/the cheering help of the 6:30 class i made it. Thanks guys!!!

    Everyone did awesome. You are all animals! I love these days!

    See ya'all tomorrow.
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. I did 135 5 times and Joe made me try 145, but I only got 2. I was very pleased with that though. I think it was fun tonight. Thanks for the support from everyone- you are all awesome!
  13. A Says:
  14. 135. For feeling extremely weak tonight, I was very pleased. Everyone did an awesome job, and I loved the exercises at the end.
  15. Nick Says:
  16. I did 315 5 times and almost had a ruptured aneurysm on the last rep. felt great though, don't know what this makes my one rep max, but i know it is a PR. great job everyone, can't wait for tomorrow!
  17. Courtney Says:
  18. Got 155 for 5. I loved this workout!

    Awesome job tonight guys!
  19. kahrs Says:
  20. I got 235 3 times I would say then Ricky really helped out. I get frustrated with back squats as I always try to stay upright, from OHS, FS. Need to practice this more.
  21. Anonymous Says:
  22. Ok so I was barefoot, and had weights under my feet but got to 113!!

    Great job everyone!
  23. Addi Says:
  24. Made it up to rep 4 with 155 - it was a struggle to not fall on my face.. Went back down to 145 for the 5th set. I was a little disappointed I didn't get at least the 155, but I worked hard on form so in the end I was satisfied.

    I love strength days - they get me all hopped up for the rest of the night. Wish I had had my things for lesson plans - could have finished the rest of the year with the energy I had last night!

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