A Family Affair

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Zack Johnson and his wonderful wife Nicki (sorry if I misspelled it). What an awesome looking couple. Nicki, we are looking forward to setting up that first one-on-one.

Sign-up Today!
If you are interested in becoming a part of CrossFit Omaha this is the perfect time for you to pick up that phone and give us a call. We have the opportunity to offer you multiple time slots throughout this week to sign up for the three required 1-on-1's needed to attend group classes. We have morning, afternoon, and evening time slots available so find a time that works best for you and give us a call to get the ball rolling. We are rapidly growing and will soon need to limit class sizes so don't be left out.

St. Patrick's Day
I hope everyone has a safe and out of hand St. Patrick's Day. If you are going out on the town tonight and you have a CrossFit Omaha shirt wear it. If you don't have one what are you waiting for?

A big shout goes out to the University of Nebraska-Omaha wrestling and swimming teams for their recent success at their respective national tournaments this past weekend. The UNO wrestling team finished third in the team standings while producing 6 All-Americans including 2 repeat national champions. The UNO swim team finished fifth in the team standings with multiple school records falling throughout the 4 day tournament and in the process grabbing a national championship win in the 400 yard freestyle relay. Congratulations to the athletes, coaches, and everyone involved with getting these teams prepared.

Rest/Benchmark Day

Come in and address weaknesses and/or try a benchmark.

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5 Responses to "A Family Affair"

  1. A Says:
  2. Looking forward to seeing everyone! Sorry to have missed...had bronchitis...doc said close to pnuemonia. Lovely. No pain no gain!!! Semi-better now. Way to go Paul with 4 muscle-ups IN A ROW! You are the man!
  3. paul Says:
  4. Grace: 5:59. Mad props to Jimbo who did Grace with me and blew through it!
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. Yeah I couldn't have done grace without Prof. Paul...That sounds dirty. Anyway, got 6:04, way better than the 10:00 that I had originally planned on. Great job to everyone today!
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. ARAP in 20 minutes of:
    15 Thrusters (65#)
    21 Jumping Pullups

    8 rounds + 10 Thrusters

    I will be taking a break from kipping pullups and therefore subbing jumping pullups. Even with jumping pullups this workout was very tough. After i had a change to recover I decided to do Saturday's WOD

    200 meter run
    15 pushups
    200 meter run
    100 squats
    200 meter run
    15 pushups
    200 meter run

    I ran outside and did the squats inside. 6:12 and it almost killed me. Ok, not exactly but I did collapse as soon as I got inside after that last run.

    Hannah and I are headed to Arizona for the rest of the week so we will see everyone on Saturday morning. Have fun this week and keep up all the hard work.
  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. Alright, so Ricky made me do Fran. As much as i really wasn't in the mood to do so, in the end i'm really glad i did. It was my first time w/Fran.

    So my time was 13:41.

    I did 5 reps of the 21 at 65lbs and just couldn't go any further, so i dropped to 55lbs for the rest. My pull-ups are what saved me. I have improved well at those. Great work Sherry! You did an awesome job!!

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