Our pushups vs. the other guys

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Kat doing yesterday's WOD with a 1.5 pood (53lbs.) kettlebell. Her workout was 13 rounds of 6 reps for both swings and pushups (78 reps of each) so that she could handle a heavier weight. Plus look at that depth on the pushups. Great work Kat.

Great job to everyone who came in yesterday. Those were the best pushups, as a whole, that I have ever seen in one room. I challenge any CrossFit in the country, the world to match your depth and form on this night. I don't recall, except for a few heads dropping, any one rep being cut short or performed badly. That is a testament to your persistence on being the best CrossFitters out there. You guys rock and keep up the awesome work.


Back Squat 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2 reps
Compare to 071205

There were only 4 comments posted the last time we back squatted so this time around I expect there to be 15+ comments posted about everyone's new pr. We've had a few fast workouts the last couple of days so now we must turn our focus to strength and more specifically increasing it. I recommend that everyone who is a member of CrossFit Omaha make it in today and get a squat number. See you tonight.

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12 Responses to "Our pushups vs. the other guys"

  1. paul Says:
  2. I didn't post last time we did heavy back squats, but I remember my one-rep max was 275. I am hoping to get at least that as my 2-rep max today, since it felt pretty strong last time.
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. I hate to miss this one, but I'm feeling a little sick today. Next time I come in on a rest day I will be sure to knock this one out. Good luck tonight!!
  5. Nick Says:
  6. 325, new PR (didn't really have one before). great job everyone.
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. i got only one at 165. great job today everyone!
  9. kahrs Says:
  10. 250 2 reps New PR. Last time was a single at 250. They felt pretty strong, need to work with the back thing I try to stay upright too much.
  11. Melissa B Says:
  12. Holy guys are super strong!!!! Great work...sorry to miss this one but I was trying to find a future career
  13. Anonymous Says:
  14. You all rock! Great job at the new PR's.

    New PR for me @165

    I beat my old one by 5 pounds! I tried for 170, but just couldn't get it up. Doesn't hurt to try!
  15. Anonymous Says:
  16. Finished with 2 reps at 275. I probably could have pushed for one more round but I didn't want to hurt my back. 275 is by far a PR. I already can't wait for next time. Good work everyone.
  17. paul Says:
  18. 285x2, PR. My last was 275 for one. They didn't feel great at 285, but not awful, either.

    Congrats on the PRs, everyone!
  19. A Says:
  20. Wow~ Awesome job everyone! Hip flexor said NO today, along with real estate clients. Hated to miss this...
  21. Addi Says:
  22. 175 - it was a struggle, but I managed to get it.

    Thanks to Ichiro and Donahoe for making me push for that last 20-pound jump. I think this is one of the first strength days where I've actually found a true max.
  23. Anonymous Says:
  24. I got 135 and I think I could have done more. I was worried about my form and getting crumpled over. Need to work on it more. But great job to everyone else!

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