Look at this guy!

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
David J. Paladino showing off his newfound talent of kipping pullups. Dave, you are the epitome of what CrossFit is and a joy to work with. Keep up the good work and no telling where you can go with this thing.

Rest Day!

Come in and we'll work on weaknesses, if you missed yesterday and would like to squat we can do that, or if you want a butt kicking I'll let you put a workout together and you can do that.

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9 Responses to "Look at this guy!"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. Definitely coming in tonight. Might do Tuesday's workout, who know.
  3. Dave Paladino Says:
  4. It takes two days for the workout to catch up with me. Last night my ribs were killing we so bad that I was minutes away from going to the emergency room. The last time I was this sore working out was during three a day football practice in high school. I took a long shower and it went away enough to fall alseep-for about three hours. Great work out. Steve and I are supposed to run a marathon in Austin this weekend. Not sure what will happen. Keep the soreness comming
  5. paul Says:
  6. Heal up, Dave! Don't envy you guys that marathon.

    Beautiful work today, guys. Addi and Candice ripped through their WOD. Kahrs was a beast throwing that 20# ball. Nick made us all jealous with his Fran time. It was an honor and a pleasure to train with you.

    I need some rest now, but by Sunday I know I'll be going through withdrawl.
  7. Nick Says:
  8. Fran: 4:22, this is the first time i have done fran hard for time and it was brutal. my forearms were done!! I didn't really have trouble with the thrusters but the pullups were really tough towards the end. hopefully i will get to the point where i don't have to break up the pullups! good work everyone, Paul you will have those DUs down before you know it.
  9. kahrs Says:
  10. 21-15-9
    Med Ball Throws (20#)
    Overhead Walking Lunges (43# Keg)
    Knee High Box Jumps
    Around 10:30

    This was really fun, the first round took for ever and wore me out, throwing the ball is good stress relief.
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. I just keep on working on my pull-ups and feel like I am only inching by. I can't wait till I have the kip down to make them easier!

    5 rounds in 7:12:
    5 box jumps
    5 pull-ups
    5 med ball slams (12 lb ball that does not bounce at all)
    5 SDHP (1.5 pood)
  13. Anonymous Says:
  14. I just keep on working on my pull-ups and feel like I am only inching by. I can't wait till I have the kip down to make them easier!

    5 rounds in 7:12:
    5 box jumps
    5 pull-ups
    5 med ball slams (12 lb ball that does not bounce at all)
    5 SDHP (1.5 pood)
  15. Addi Says:
  16. 6:40

    5 rounds
    5 box jumps (36")
    5 med ball slams
    5 oh-susies
    5 pullups

    This was fun and quick - I'm not sure my oh-susies were entirely textbook... I think I grazed/rested on the floor a lot more than I should, but the rest of the workout felt great. I'm really starting to feel good with my pullups... FINALLY.
  17. Anonymous Says:
  18. 5 rounds

    5 box jumps (36'')
    5 pull ups
    5 med ball slams (#20)
    5 SDHP


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