Keeping with the same theme...

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
You guys did really well last night and I hope you enjoyed the change of pace workout. It was a workout where you could go really hard if you wanted to, it wasn't very hard on the joints, and it didn't take very long. So staying with that theme.....

9 Rounds
9 Kettlebell Swings (1.5 pood/1 pood)
9 Pushups

As with yesterday, go as hard as you can being that the duration of each exercise is shorter, making the workout duration shorter as well. Hopefully!

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14 Responses to "Keeping with the same theme..."

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. This looks like a great workout and I hate to miss it. I can't get out of class again- I have a test tonight. Good luck everyone!
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. 1:31 left on the clock, but i don't remember what it started on
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. Awesome job everyone!!
  7. zj Says:
  8. Damn that was fun! Can't wait to see everybody on the main site. Paul you shredded that WO.
  9. paul Says:
  10. Nice work people! Tight! And thanks for the props, Z!
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. Finished with 42 seconds left on the clock for a 9:18 workout. I spaced out my pushups this time and did not fail once. Good work everyone!!!
  13. Anonymous Says:
  14. 10:11- thanks to all who pushed.
  15. Anonymous Says:
  16. I had 19:24 left on the clock, whatever that meant. this one was great! I didn't break up the swings at all. Push ups were a different story. They'll get better though. See you guys tomorrow.
  17. Addi Says:
  18. I think my time ended up as 12:40-something... Once again, foiled by the pushups. As much as they killed me, it was a good night for them. The first round I pushed it too hard and managed to squeeze out 8 strict pushups in a row - double what I've been able to do before. That was exciting, but it didn't leave my arms with much for the remaining EIGHT rounds. Not the best planning on my part. :)
  19. kahrs Says:
  20. The push ups were tough, but I am getting better. I really enjoy swings. I finished just after Jimmy so right around 10:40
  21. Melissa B Says:
  22. I'm with Addie...i went too big in the beginning and ended with the dreaded head drop :(...great job everyone
  23. Anonymous Says:
  24. finished in 7:59 with 2 pood kettleball. gotta love pushups, they get me every time.

  25. Ricky Frausto Says:
  26. If you remember what your time was, the clock was set at 20 minutes but we started at the 10 minute mark. So for example, if you had a time of 19 minutes then that meant that the 10 minutes were up and the clock restarted back at 20 minutes so that would make your time actually 11 minutes.

    10 minutes to 0 then 20 minutes to 19 minutes = 11 minutes
  27. A Says:
  28. i LOVED this workout! I believe I finished somewhere around the 7:04minute mark??? So good to be back! In spite of my infamous head-dropping, my pushups are getting better (I think). I am REALLY working on keeping arms close to the body. I always love KB swings. :-)
    Great job, everyone! I love the intensity and especially love how many people were there! What a cool thing of which to be a part! Crossfit rules!

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