WOD Rest Day. (but come on, how many of you rested too much already?)
Team WOD
"One Arm Grace" by CrossFit Tribe - video [wmv][mov]
Handstand Pushup Challenge: 16 reps, or buy in for 136
6 Responses to "Saturday 081129"
November 29, 2008 at 10:34 AM
4x 20 burpees 30 air squats 40 sit-ups
i'm trying to work on those burpees- they're still terrible! i can't wait to get back to omaha and back to the gym. see you all monday.
November 29, 2008 at 10:34 AM
4x 20 burpees 30 air squats 40 sit-ups
i'm trying to work on those burpees- they're still terrible! i can't wait to get back to omaha and back to the gym. see you all monday.
November 29, 2008 at 12:41 PM
Nice WOD, Kylie!
today I did
7 rds:
7 DLs (195#) 7 pushups 7 thrusters (45#) 7 KTEs
took about 17 minutes even. awful. KTEs were the worst, partly because I was hanging off of a squat rack.
November 29, 2008 at 12:57 PM
Today's team WOD was two teams of 6, 6 stations, everyone does everything once:
It was a great end to a week of over-indulgence. Nice job everyone! And that video is just sick...holy hell!
November 29, 2008 at 1:57 PM
well today i was gonna come in and just rest on sunday buuut i totally slept through my alarm so ill see you guys monday :)
November 29, 2008 at 6:20 PM
that was fun today --- great to see you all again. I MISSED YOU! :)
8938 L Street Omaha, Ne 68127 crossfitomaha@gmail.com
Ricky Frausto Jr.
Level 2 CrossFit Coach
USA Weightlifting Club Coach
Basic Barbell Certified
Run/Endurance Certified
Nutrition Certified Ricky's Training Blog
Joe Westerlin
Level 2 CrossFit Coach
USA Weightlifting Club Coach
Basic Barbell Certified
Kids Certified
Gymnastics Certified
KettleBell Certified
20 burpees
30 air squats
40 sit-ups
i'm trying to work on those burpees- they're still terrible! i can't wait to get back to omaha and back to the gym. see you all monday.
20 burpees
30 air squats
40 sit-ups
i'm trying to work on those burpees- they're still terrible! i can't wait to get back to omaha and back to the gym. see you all monday.
today I did
7 rds:
7 DLs (195#)
7 pushups
7 thrusters (45#)
7 KTEs
took about 17 minutes even. awful. KTEs were the worst, partly because I was hanging off of a squat rack.
Row 30 calories
30 Med ball clean and jerks (20/14)
30 box jumps
30 SDLHP (1.5/1)
30 push press (35/20)
30 burpees
It was a great end to a week of over-indulgence. Nice job everyone! And that video is just sick...holy hell!