Sunday 081102

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


Set your watch or a clock to sound off every thirty minutes within a 5 hour window. During this time, choose whether to do 30 full situps, 25 air squats, 20 pushups, 15 long or vertical jumps, 10 handstand pushups, 5 clap pushup burpees, or 1 time around the block. If you go somewhere like the store or a family member's house, you must still fullfill your exercise obligations if it falls withing the five hour window.

Let's see how many people we can get to workout on a Sunday following a crazy Halloween party.

Post what exercises you did, any crazy place that you had to stop and do your exercises, the times your 5-hour window fell between, and how you felt after a night of too much fun, to comments.

A pic of Danielle participating in a Crossfit class in San Fran. It's really cool to know that we have athletes that travel and still find the time to attend another CrossFit in another town, even though they have no idea what they may be walking into.

Another social event is in the books and yet we still have more to celebrate. Reba and Danielle have put together a co-ed baby shower for Crystal and I this coming weekend. Everyone is invited and encouraged to come. The information is posted in the upper right hand corner under CrossFit Omaha Events. There are also invitations located in the gym. Please seek out either Reba or Danielle if you have any questions.

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11 Responses to "Sunday 081102"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. What a crazy halloween party last night. Thanks Hannah for putting it on! You rock!

    I saw a ton of kick a** costumes!! Wish i wouldn't have had to leave early to pick up Damian. Can't wait to see all the pics.

    Have a great rest of the weekend!
  3. Addi Says:
  4. If I don't see some Facebook pictures NOW, I'm going to be really disappointed. WAKE UP!!! POST PICTURES!!!
  5. Mel C Says:
  6. I'm dying. I'm sorry for the shenanigans last night! I don't remember squat! BTW...I'm doing the workout...not sure when...but I'm doing the 30 full sit ups today...I need it after all the liquor last night! I have to show you guys all the bruises I acquired last night! Ahhh!
  7. Cari Says:
  8. I'm going to do squats ... after I take a nap. The party was a lot of fun and the costumes were hilarious; thanks Hannah for putting it all together!!
  9. John W Says:
  10. From 11am-4pm, 10 HSPU every half hour, 110 total.
    Didn't do them anywhere fun though. Sorry I missed the party, sounds like it was a blast.
  11. BC Says:
  12. Most excellent bash last night, way to go Hannah! I need to work on my beer pong skills before the next blowout, I got schooled.
  13. Steve Says:
  14. Although not a Xfit 'approved' workout, I ran 4 miles on the Wabash Trace. Too nice of a day to be inside.
  15. Cari Says:
  16. 12-5, did air squats but was nowhere interesting; this was a nice workout for a Sunday!
  17. hannah eileen Says:
  18. holy moly. thanks to everyone that came out. you guys made the party what it was.
    instead of this WOD i cleaned the gym floor. it was a great way to work off a HORRIBLE hang over. addi, im sorry i havent posted pictures yet. will do shortly!
  19. Anonymous Says:
  20. Great party!! Thanks for putting it together Hannah. It was soooo much fun.

    I didn't do the WOD today.
  21. Anonymous Says:
  22. I did a few cat naps, and then climbed up and down the ladder over 50 times while finishing my paint project, then put everything back together - it was a long day ;)

    Thanks Hannah and Zack for putting the Halloween bash together :)

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