Wednesday 081008

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

Rest Day.

Gotta love those wall-balls!

Just a reminder, membership dues are overdue. We kindly ask that if you have not paid for the month of October please do so as soon as possible. Thanks for taking care of this matter.

Hannah Lefler is hosting a Halloween party in the gym on November 1st. It is a costume mandatory get-together. If you have not received your invitation, they are located on one of the benches in the gym. Just look for your name and grab it, just in case Joe or I forget to give it to you. 

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18 Responses to "Wednesday 081008"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. Reba- you think that was one of the 4 wall-balls that counted?? Most likely not...
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. AGHGH I hate wall balls!!! Granted now that I know ( thanks to Angela ) that I can lower my elbows below shoulder height, it might help me in the future......who knew technique was so freaking important!

    I definitely didn't get that one up. Look how high my elbows are and I am already almost standing up, that was more like an "airball" - - too bad those didn't count!
  5. Sam Loomis Says:
  6. In regards to the Halloween Party, I was wondering if you'd have room for a remote Xfiter from Lincoln and his lovely wife. We would love to get to know all of you if you'd allow us the intrusion. If not, no offense will be taken.

  7. JonD Says:
  8. O Reba, its ok I just made up a number when I was counting you that day, so I might have counted those air balls? j/k. You did great.

    Halloween party! Im going to dress up like Gabe so Joe can chase me around and hold me like a baby and pass me around to everyone. Let me know if you think that would be a good idea?

    Have a good rest day yall.
  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. awesome! we get to meet crossfitters from lincoln! maybe we can get them to move here to join our cult!

    and jon... you dressing up as gab would be funny, but it might take you and joe's relationship to an uncomfortable next level...just want to make sure you know what you're getting yourself into...

    see you all tonight for a good rest day workout! maybe some legs? as my arms are screaming 'i hate you!'
  11. Mel C Says:
  12. OMG Jon please please dress up as Gabe! That's freaking hilarious!

    Unlike Kylie...I think I want to work on pullups or something tonight.
  13. hannah eileen Says:
  14. jon, just keep in mind how much joe makes out with gabe...
  15. A Says:
  16. oh Jon. I don't think you know what you're getting yourself into, if you dress up like gabe... Unless that's secretly what you're looking for...and that's cool. lol
  17. Anonymous Says:
  18. schlotfeld and wife you should come! the more the merrier!
    jon please dress up as gabe!
    kat, megan and i did "not so bad 25" which is filthy 50 but 25. i even remembered not to say time today.
  19. Addi Says:
  20. Can't come in today, though I feel like I need to. Last gallery crawl of the year, then a potluck party. Girl has to have her priorities!

    Had the pool to myself for an hour this morning (I love Wednesdays!), so I swam laps and treaded water for about 45 minutes. Delightful.
  21. JonD Says:
  22. Did yesterdays workout and got up to 129#. I really need to focus more on my breathing and holding that breath. I tend to forget. Well thanks for the input everyone and i will mow it over. Well thats all i got. peace
  23. Anonymous Says:
  24. Reba MishMosh for 5 Rounds

    10 Burpees
    15 KB swings 1 Pood
    30 Air Squats

    Focused on not breaking anything up, I took one "breath pause" in the last round of burpees.....

    I had to stop my clock and even though I wasn't "timing" myself, I did that in 10:14....for some reason I thought I was going faster, but apparently not ;)
  25. BC Says:
  26. I got up close and personal with GI Jane today - 50 burpee/pullups for time (do a burpee and as you jump up grab the bar and do a pullup, that's 1). Apparently Rx'd is for 100, but we only did 50 - we being Alison, Mark, Jeremy and myself. My time was 8:04. It was actually kind of fun...I mean, it hurt like hell, but in an enjoyable sort of way. Man CrossFit has made me one twisted individual.
  27. Anonymous Says:
  28. Back in town and ready for tomorrow. See all you 6:30 peeps tomorrow!

  29. Mel C Says:
  30. Rest day my a**! Ha I've never done the Filthy Fifty, so the 1/2 Filthy Fifty was also a first...holy crap. My arms and legs were already a little sore from yesterday's WOD so I was hurting by the end of the 25 reps on each workout. Brian...thanks for cheering me on during wall balls...I would have taken forever if you weren't there! I landed wrong on my first burpee and twinged my I got to 11 before saying screw it and just did 14 extra DU's. I got 21 something for time.
  31. Anonymous Says:
  32. A bite-size filthy fifty...? NICE.
    Made it to "the other" gym late tonight...just not the same...

    JonD...DO IT!!! BUT, if you dress like Gabe you better hope Joe is not drinking...might get akward...
  33. Anonymous Says:
  34. I did half G.I. Jane with Alison, Brian, and Jeremy - 50 burpee / pull-ups for time. I finished in 5 minutes flat and 5 seconds later I was flat, on the floor. It was definitely tougher than it sounds.
  35. Anonymous Says:
  36. I'm in San Fran and did X-fit here & did 10 single OH squats, 10 SA hang & clean, 10 turkish GU's,10 HSPU as many rds wn 20 mins...did 2 rds. This is after about a mile run warm up!!!

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