1 Power Snatch
2 Overhead Squats
3 Behind the neck Push Presses
4 Front Squats
5 Hang Power Cleans
Repeat for 5 sets. Increase weight with each set. Rest as needed b/w each set.
The bar can only be rested in the crease of the hips, behind/in front of the neck, or in the grip until the last hang power clean is completed for each set.
Post weight used for each set to comments.
Matt Schwen
there are invitations at the gym for the halloween party on Nov 1. just to let everyone know to keep their eyes open. it'll be a blast!
159 for my last set...
WAY TO WORK 6am!!!!
Happy Birthday Libby!
happy birthday!
I think I got 96 pounds... (33# bar with greens and training plates... why do I struggle so with this?)
They still felt fairly solid, but I was taking too small of jumps. I wanted to go heavier, but 96 was my 6th set, and my shoulders were just plain tired.
All the other exercises felt really good compared to the snatch. Just get stronger I guess, huh?
I got up to 77lbs...and I gotta say that Lindsay really pushed herself this morning :)
My OH squats still leave much to be desired. So much bobblewobble going on up there....
My math skills are getting better by attending CrossFit! ha!
Next time, blood will surely be left on the floor.