Tuesday 081007

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


1 Power Snatch
2 Overhead Squats
3 Behind the neck Push Presses
4 Front Squats
5 Hang Power Cleans

Repeat for 5 sets. Increase weight with each set. Rest as needed b/w each set.

The bar can only be rested in the crease of the hips, behind/in front of the neck, or in the grip until the last hang power clean is completed for each set.

Post weight used for each set to comments.

Matt Schwen

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18 Responses to "Tuesday 081007"

  1. hannah eileen Says:
  2. i love large 6am groups! great work today everyone. there were some big numbers being pushed around. thanks to reba and lindsey for making me do greens. i wanted to stop before then.
    there are invitations at the gym for the halloween party on Nov 1. just to let everyone know to keep their eyes open. it'll be a blast!
  3. paul Says:
  4. Good stuff--I am so weak from not being able to use my shoulders for so long. I did a 1-armed version of the complex. worked up to a 50lb DB with left hand, and the 12kg KB with the right.
  5. linds Says:
  6. I worked up to greens today, great job hannah and reba!
  7. ZachR Says:
  8. Last set was 142
  9. Greg MO Says:
  10. HOLY COW WHAT A HUGE 6am CLASS!!! Its' awesome 2 see so many people working so hard so early in the morning!!!

    159 for my last set...

    WAY TO WORK 6am!!!!
  11. Donohoe Says:
  12. Great job eveyrone, I saw everyone struggling with their respective last set thats awesome. I finished with 155 but had to do back squats. Dammm lack of shoulder flexibility.
  13. Anonymous Says:
  14. I am excited about this one!
    Happy Birthday Libby!
  15. kahrs Says:
  16. There is a good video on the Crossfit Games website of the burpee deadlift workout with Libby in it. Is that a good present or what being on the games site again.
  17. paul Says:
  18. jeez, libby, it looks like its on fast-forward when you go!

    happy birthday!
  19. Addi Says:
  20. Loved today! Like 5 strength days in one.

    I think I got 96 pounds... (33# bar with greens and training plates... why do I struggle so with this?)

    They still felt fairly solid, but I was taking too small of jumps. I wanted to go heavier, but 96 was my 6th set, and my shoulders were just plain tired.
  21. Anonymous Says:
  22. i got greens the third round, so i did that weight a couple more times because i almost dropped the weight on my head and didn't feel comfortable moving up in weight. i need a little bit of technique work! then i did 3x20 overhead squats with 33# and worked on cleans. thanks jon for the extra help!
  23. Anonymous Says:
  24. I got up to 82 but wanted to do more. I tried the snatch at 87 a lot but couldn't f-ing get it up....
    All the other exercises felt really good compared to the snatch. Just get stronger I guess, huh?
  25. Mark Says:
  26. Got to 128# tonight, although my snatch technique was horrific.
  27. Anonymous Says:
  28. Well Ang if it makes you feel better, I couldn't get up the 82lbs on the snatch! It sure ticked me off at 6AM!!! I have gotten that weight up before with snatch, but not after doing 75 reps of the "bar workout" beforehand...maybe that had something to do with it ;)

    I got up to 77lbs...and I gotta say that Lindsay really pushed herself this morning :)

    My OH squats still leave much to be desired. So much bobblewobble going on up there....
  29. Anonymous Says:
  30. Addi - 33+22+22+10+10=97 :)

    My math skills are getting better by attending CrossFit! ha!
  31. Sam Loomis Says:
  32. Effort was a bit below adequate. Final round was done with 130#

    Next time, blood will surely be left on the floor.
  33. Addi Says:
  34. Thanks, Reba! What would I do without you?! :)
  35. A Says:
  36. 73# I think? That does not include the small fit I threw, the numerous times I ran into things with my leg and head (bruises to prove), and a general brain-malfunction which probably counts for something. :-) Thanks for the excellent help, Ricky and Joe! You guys are the best! Way to go, 5:30. Ang - you rocked, as usual, strong-girl!

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