Thursday 081009

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

Complete 5 rounds of:
5 Hang Squat Cleans (50/35 pound db's)
5 Pull-ups
Then run up the road to 90th street and back
then complete 5 more rounds of:
5 Hang Squat Cleans 
5 Pull-ups

CrossFit Games site workout - video [wmv][mov]

Post time to comments.

Greg going overhead.

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16 Responses to "Thursday 081009"

  1. Greg MO Says:
  2. 8:56 rxd

    WAY 2 WORK 6amers!!!!!!!
  3. Mel C Says:
  4. I'm going to have to miss this one...which I really need to work on running. Boooo. I have to go to the "meat head" gym (aka 24 Hour Fitness) late tonight to muster up some type of workout. I HATE going to 24!...but I hate missing Crossfit even more! See you guys tomorrow!
    Makayla...where've you been?! I haven't seen you in a while! Miss you!
  5. Donohoe Says:
  6. Get job breakfeast clubbers,
    13.30 with the blue rubber band to help beat gravity.
    My hands finally stop shaking enough to write this. It was a great workout this morning, that run up hill in the middle was a real kick in the teeth.
    Have a great day eveyone...
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. I tore my hand again today on the first damn round! It gave me an excuse to slow down though. 35# got really heavy. I didn't call time and am glad I didn't. Great workout! I loved the run!
    We had some newer faces in at noon today and everyone kicked ass! Great job!
  9. paul Says:
  10. Wanted to get in today, but was in no condition to at 6 and busy the rest of the day. i did some pullups and pushups at home just to get some movement in. i hope i can get in tomorrow for my fix--i'm jonesin bad!
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. I didn't do the workout really. My hands are way too sore and they would have ripped in probably 10 I did the following

    5 Rounds

    10 Med Ball Cleans at 20lbs
    5 Tricep ring dips

    The run

    5 Rounds
    5 Cleans with the dbells ( OUCH! )
    5 Tricep ring dips

    Just the last cleans alone hurt my freakin hands, its hard to grip that heavy of a dumbbell with just the tips of your fingers - so I wasn't too happy this morning, but that happens....move on to the next day :)
  13. BC Says:
  14. 14:25. Ang, Reba, I feel your pain. I have a crack in the palm of my left hand that will not heal and keeps ripping open. But my dad doesn't even have a left hand so if he knew I was doggin' it because of a little boo-boo he would kick my @ss. Yes, I'm 34 and I'm scared of my father, but...the man's got 1 hand!!! It's like having Darth Vader as your father!
  15. Addi Says:
  16. Kylie and I did a team workout at 4:30. 4 margaritas and a basket of chips and salsa for time. 45:00. I had to help Kylie with some of the peach margarita reps... an impressive effort by both of us. And home in time for Family Guy and The Office. Good day.
  17. kahrs Says:
  18. I am so proud of your effort Addi, that sounds like a tough workout.

    So I enjoyed todays workout, was a nice change of pace after being sick the last couple of days.
  19. Sam Loomis Says:
  20. 25:39 (w/track run in Lincoln subbed for Omaha street run)

    B, your father is Darth Vader!? My father is Darth Vader!

    Sis!? Leia!?
  21. BC Says:
  22. Um, dude. I'm, like, a dude too. Although I do look kick-ass in a gold bikini. Don't judge me, what I do on my time is my business. Later crackas.
  23. Anonymous Says:
  24. addi you inspire me.

  25. Mark Says:
  26. Rx'd today's in 11:53. 50lb dumbbells got heavy quick and I had to break up most 4 of the last 5 sets of cleans. I am excited to say that I have done 3 workouts in the past week with high rep pull-ups and I haven't had a tear. I hope to never get one again!!
  27. Sam Loomis Says:
  28. Oops! Sorry 'bout that gender mistake, but it WAS an hones mistake considering some of the gold bikini pics that made their way out onto the net. ;)
  29. hannah eileen Says:
  30. so i just realized this is the first time since i became addicted that i didnt check the site from like 11 am yesterday. thats not normal for me. i usually check it like 4 times a day.
    i had to scale to 30# because im a huge pansy, but i did all the pullups and most of them consectutively. i can do 5, but not 7. weird. finished later than i wanted to, but was mostly happy with my form.
    great job everyone at 5:30 yesterday! (10/9)
  31. hannah eileen Says:
  32. so i just realized this is the first time since i became addicted that i didnt check the site from like 11 am yesterday. thats not normal for me. i usually check it like 4 times a day.
    i had to scale to 30# because im a huge pansy, but i did all the pullups and most of them consectutively. i can do 5, but not 7. weird. finished later than i wanted to, but was mostly happy with my form.
    great job everyone at 5:30 yesterday! (10/9)

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