Monday 081006

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


4 rounds for time:
400 meter run
2 minutes rest

Rule #1 - Do not pace!!!!!!!!!!!

Post time from each run to comments.

Jason Brilz during push press of Fight Gone Bad. Jason posted a high score of 357. Congrats Jason.

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11 Responses to "Monday 081006"

  1. linds Says:
  2. WOD: 1:28/1:30/1:28/1:33
    I am so glad we didn't have to lift today, I am still sore from Friday.
  3. linds Says:
  4. This comment has been removed by the author.
  5. paul Says:
  6. Well this hurt a lot more than i thought it would.

    My total time was 11:33; individual times were 1:12, 1:26, 1:30, 1:25.

    Good work Blas, Zack, and Chris!
  7. JonD Says:
  8. Hey yall, I did todays and yesterdays workout and still havent been able to make it up to crossfit yet. I hope tomorrow.

    I ran it at UNOs rec track and my math was a little off so I actually did a little over 500m each time and my times were 1:56, 1:47, 1:54, 1:55. Thoses seemed a bit high and had to think if either I was slow or if I was doing something wrong. So instead of just running 2.5 laps I did 3.3 laps. Im an idiot. Well hey I am trying to better myself right.

    I did tabata handstand push-ups. My goal was to get 4-5 each time, so it went 6,5,4,3,3,3,3,3. Wanted to get four but it was a struggle after the run.

    I heard the gym looks great and things are rolling since the past week, cant wait to see it and I will talk to yall soon.
  9. A Says:
  10. oooh. I want to do tabata pushups tonight! fun! although, maybe steve and I can have some sort of battle where I kick his a$$, as he kind of deserves it today. ha!
  11. Steve Says:
  12. a-
    would you like to have your butt kicked in runs or tabata push-ups? i'm feeling generous...
  13. BC Says:
  14. Because of the rain today's 5:30 class had inside recess. We were put into teams of 3 and competed in a rowing relay. Each team member took turns rowing 500m, 400m, 300m and 200m. Brent, Kari and I were victorious with a total team time of 17:55. It was rough and my legs were burning during that final 200 but it was still better - and more intense - than running.
  15. Cari Says:
  16. Even though I really need to work on running, I wasn't too sad to see that it was downpouring and we were rowing instead ... I was on a team with Brian and Brent and our time was 17:55; great job guys!! I love team workouts!
  17. Steve Says:
  18. Kylie and Megan, I was happy to be on your team. You girls rock! Mark and Greg, thanks for keeping me company on the push-ups. Hmmmmm, am I missing anyone?
  19. A Says:
  20. Oh Steve. Poor, foolish Steve. All I am going to say is that yoga is going to be HIGHLY unpleasant tomorrow. Highly unpleasant...
  21. Mark Says:
  22. I teamed up with Alison and Veronica for the vicious team rowing workout. We finished in a smooth 17:04.

    I'd be glad to do push-ups with you anytime Steve.

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