Thursday 081002

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

21-15-9 reps for time of:
DB hang power cleans, 50 pounds (35# for ladies)
Wall balls


"The Newport Crippler"
For time:
30 body weight back squats
1 mile run


"The San Fran Crippler"
For time:
30 body weight back squats
1K row

Post workout and time to comments.

My best captions:
"I can just picture it now........Jon first place, everyone else, who cares." 
"Why don't we go ahead and hang that picture of me right here. Is it level from where you're standing?"

Okay, so we have another caption contest. Come up with your best caption and win a free t-shirt. We'll narrow it down to the best five and let everyone choose the winner from those. Last week's winner is Reba. 
Reba, make sure and remind me during class and i'll get that shirt to you. You can either have one of the new ones or I have a few "don't be a poodle" ones as well. I also have a few of the old kettle-bell ones too.

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33 Responses to "Thursday 081002"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. Secondbase on a midget...squat.
  3. Ricky Frausto Says:
  4. Need a name with a caption people. That's funny as s**t though.

  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! whoever wrote that is a genius and should win hands down!

  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. Tovar High Five!!

  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. DJ-
    That's Awesome...
    But more like,

    "Tovar, High Ten!"

    LOVE IT.

    And my fingers were faster than my brain...I claim the first one.
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. “Patty Cake, Patty Cake, Bakers Man”

    Thats the best I got
  13. Anonymous Says:
  14. "Are they built for speed or comfort?"
  15. hannah eileen Says:
  16. ok, dj, hands down, if you dont win, i will boycott crossfit. that is AWESOME! i almost fell off my bar stool on that one! hahahahaha.
  17. Anonymous Says:
  18. Tight Shorts $15
    3 years of Dance class $1500
    Finally someone getting of picture of my badass JAZZ HANDS $ priceless

    I tried Tony
  19. paul Says:
  20. haha! you guys are hilarious!

    "back off, DJ, I don't want to smell your ass."

    i did the san fran crippler. 7:09. great working out with the 6am crew, as always!
  21. BC Says:
  22. "These are my favorite white capri pants, and this is how I meet guys at The Max. Fabulous!"
  23. Anonymous Says:
  24. Sorry I cannot compete with what is on the board already for captions - that is some good sh*t up there :)

    Although I could pick a "theme song caption" for this one...

    "Back that *ss up" -;)
  25. Anonymous Says:
  26. I also did the "San Fran Crippler" and it was an awesome wod! I learned alot about that back squat this morning....BW @ 30 reps is no joke....lactic acid build up!!

    Nice work to the ladies this morning at 6AM :)
  27. Anonymous Says:
  28. I also did the "San Fran Crippler", BW back squats at 30 reps is tough, but I enjoyed it! WOD: 11:00
  29. Anonymous Says:
  30. "Stop! Stop! Don't come any closer!"
    I knew I shouldn't have had all the spicy Mexican food right before a workout.....
  31. A Says:
  32. omg. i can't stop laughing at your caption, DJ! funny s**t :-)
  33. Anonymous Says:
  34. "It's True, Damian is taller than his dad!"
  35. Anonymous Says:
  36. "Forget about the curve ball Rick, give him the heater." JW
  37. JonD Says:
  38. HILARIOUS everyone! DJ nice, thats all I got to say. Im upset I cant be in there all week, but I cant wait to see some of yall saturday (b christ)! j/k these are great and the day is only half over. Ill throw mine down sometime today, its gonna be hard to beat some of these already.
  39. Anonymous Says:
  40. BW squats with a run. Not timed. I hadn't ran a mile in a long time and it was nice to just run again.
  41. paul Says:
  42. any of you ever play street fighter 2?

    "HA DO KEN!"

    if you have no idea what i'm talking about, it is what certain characters said when they did this:
  43. Anonymous Says:
  44. oh for f--- sake. "skip lively" is paul. don't even ask how that got changed.
  45. Anonymous Says:
  46. Can I call you Skip now Paul?
  47. kahrs Says:
  48. Hey Skip, those aren't very good ninja skills you are displaying there. But yes HA DO KEN, I see it.
  49. JonD Says:
  50. "shrimp salad, shrimp stew, shrimp and potatoes, homemade shrimp, shrimp and beans."

    Thats all I got to say about that.
  51. JonD Says:
  52. O ya i did the newport crippler and push it hard. I tried to push the mile but didnt time it, hopefully sometime before 10 min. Great HA DO KEN line as well. Well see yall soon
  53. Anonymous Says:
  54. Did 30 BW squats and row....last 2 finish, don't know time, don't care!! I did however feel much better about back squats. Its going to take some work getting used to having the bar so low on back, it does MAKE you keep arms up...thanks for all the help today!
    I also realized when someone at crossfit asks about your ring, they are talking about the ring on the bar, not on your hand....just an FYI for all ya :).
  55. Steve Says:
  56. Did the squats and run, tried to watch my breathing and form on the squats. And I loved the negative reinforcements used on the 6:30 class! I loved it even more when I didn't get any penalties, but someone else (you know who) did. Not that I take joy in someone else's suffering...
  57. A Says:
  58. Steve. You will pay for that comment. That's all I'm going to say...:-)
  59. Mark Says:
  60. Did BW back squats and row... finished in 7:35. I probably could have shaved 20 seconds or so off it I pushed the row harder but I still can't push myself that hard yet.
  61. paul Says:
  62. you could call me 'kip'...but wouldn't that be a cruel irony?
  63. Sam Loomis Says:
  64. 9:33 on DB Hang Power Cleans & Wall Ball (Only had 15# ball)
  65. Addi Says:
  66. After my crushing defeat to Reba in last week's caption contest, I just don't think I have it in me to be clever...

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