Friday 081003

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

For time:
100 pull-ups
100 pushups
100 situps
100 air squats

Scale reps as needed in order to make the 25 minute cut-off.

Post time to comments.

This is a video of Jim during his third round of FGB. It is a wonderful highlight of Jim. Man is this guy tough as nails. If only I was half the man, father, husband, and competitor that you are. It's always a good day when Jim's in the gym. 

If you would like a glimpse into Jim's world, he has a personal blog that is amazing. Take a look and be sure to let him know what you think. Big Fish's World

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24 Responses to "Friday 081003"

  1. Steve Says:
  2. Great video Jim! I wanted to cheer again.

    And you can't go wrong with Johnny Cash and Trent Reznor.
  3. BC Says:
  4. Great video Jim, it was a pleasure going through FGB with you.
  5. JonD Says:
  6. There is nothing to describe that it just is amazing to watch. Its great being around you Jim.
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. Fantastic Jim!! You have made huge strides since starting at Crossfit, you are an inspiration to everyone.

    I am going to attempt to do Angie tomorrow morning elsewhere, otherwise it will be a rest day for me :(
  9. A Says:
  10. Jim, you are absolutley awesome. :-)
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. I did get up early and did this at 24 Hour :( I couldn't find a proper pull-up bar so I used a machine, I did finish the workout, I think before 25 minutes.

    Side note, while I was there I was stopped and asked if I do Crossfit, it must have been my fantastic form and physic :) Anyway this guys name was Phil and he is a teacher at Concordia High, he and Kylie go at 5 am to do the WOD's, he is also going to get certified, dont remember where. So my point is CROSSFIT IS EVERYWHERE and I think it is great. Maybe Phil will make it our gym sometime.

    Have a great day, see you tomorrow!
  13. Anonymous Says:
  14. "Angie" is definitely her own animal. I learned alot this morning and hopefully the later classes will read...I took wayyyyyy too long of breaks on my pullups because I was afraid of ripping my hands too early. Left hand ripped at 70 and the right at 80 (strength difference there - 4sure.) BUT had they ripped at 60, I wonder if I could have finished 40 reps of my skin shredding off my hands??.....maybe or maybe not.

    I had about 13 minutes left to finish the workout after my pullups. I didn't make the 25 min cutoff. My time was 28:21 - I finished the abs/squats without taking a break.

    I was disappointed to not have finished in 25 mins, but I made some errors in taking too long from the start. However, just over six months ago I could not do one kipping pullup and my pushup form was AWFUL and I could do about 30 pushups at best in a workout. So I should be happy overall, and hopefully this is just the beginning of a much improved fitness journey :)

    And Joe told me my time since this was a big benchmark workout that I need to record. . .

    next time Greg better watch out - I am coming for his time ;)
  15. Greg MO Says:
  16. U da man Jim!!!

    21:23 rxd....

    ripped my hands in 4 looked like a horror movie by the end of the wod....caused me to rest way too long during the pull-ups and push-ups....& OMG the peroxide and salt hurt sooo bad I was close to cryin like a little girl...

    Great job as always 6am!!!

    ps- Reba you can shoot for a way better time then mine....keep up the good discipline & you'll be smokin me in no time!!!
  17. Anonymous Says:
  18. 28:16- way to go nooners!! have a great weekend everyone!
  19. Anonymous Says:
  20. I'm going sub 20 on this!! Hopefully with no hand rips. I'm bringing my gloves just in case... Hope to see a big crowd at 5:30!
  21. Anonymous Says:
  22. 26:10 I think
    I was worried about this one. And I ripped my hand (left) with 25-30 pull-ups left. I still hate push-ups!
    Happy birthday Circo!
  23. JonD Says:
  24. I got done with the workout in 24:00. I did exactly what I wanted to d in pull ups and push ups but I wanted to push more through sit ups and sqauts. Well thats all I got and I will see some of yall tomorrow. Peace Happy B-day Circo
  25. Anonymous Says:
  26. I appreciate all the compliments. It makes it all the harder to not be there with you guys. I am trying to not look at the site this week, but I can't seem to go "cold turkey" even if it is only for a week. Thanks again.
  27. Mel C Says:
  28. I finally figured out my password! WOO!

    Good job Jim!

    I'm scared of "Angie" but see you at 5:30 anyways!
  29. paul Says:
  30. awesome video, Jim (and the others pictured--Addi, nice SDHP)!

    Angie looked pretty tough--good job with it Jeff and Zack. Zack, so cool that you managed to do a one-armed version. Now that is hard core.

    I did 3 rds:

    20 DLs (175#)
    15 GH situps
    20 walking lunges (25# DBs)
    15 back extensions

  31. Sam Loomis Says:
  32. too old, too fat, too weak, too tall...

    9:32 for 25x on each

    ...maybe I can do something about the fat and weak ;)

    And by the way, to all of you Hand Bleeders:
    I aspire to someday be in your sacred clan.
  33. Mark Says:
  34. 18:22 Rx'd... I was worried about how long it took for the pull-ups but after those I just flew by the rest. Squats slowed me up a bit but I am happy with my time.
  35. paul Says:
  36. Mark, that is awesome. you are going to ruin cindy at the end of the month.
  37. Mel C Says:
  38. This workout ROCKED! I loved it! I think we have a new Friday night ritual on our hands guys...I promise to stay later next time! :o)
  39. Anonymous Says:
  40. awesome jim, great job. late shift this week means no crossfit...

  41. Addi Says:
  42. I'm glad Josh dragged me in at 6:30.. (almost literally)

    25:30 - 50 of each, 2 rounds. Pullups slowed me down a lot more than I expected. Kipped the first 50, used tan and purple bands to kip the second 50. Tan on first 50 pushups, then tan and purple for the second. Situps and squats were way better than I expected. Didn't stop on the second 50 squats.

    I'd say I'm surprised Josh hasn't posted yet, but a little birdie told me I beat him, so now I know why...

    Sim'on (hope I apostrophized correctly..) (hope apostrophized is a word... i doubt it) - You should be a professional tattoo designer!
  43. paul Says:
  44. Addi--who cares if it's a word!? i'm sure facebook's version of scrabble will recognize it anyway!
  45. BC Says:
  46. DNF in the alotted 25 min, I was on 19 squats when time ran out, but we were given an extended clock if we were close and I ended up finishing in 28:00 even. This was brutal.
  47. Anonymous Says:
  48. I had 10 squats left when the 25 min was up...of course I used bands on pull ups and push ups...but I got 60 pull ups with the yellow band (which I was extremely excited about) and only used to purple band for push ups (which i wish i would've stabbed myself in the foot instead) but either way I was pretty excited I got that far!! WOOT WOOT!!

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