Sunday 081005

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:
Pick one movement or activity, whether it be squatting, rowing, running, jumping on the retaining wall outside your house, hitting a tire, pushing a car, anything movement related, and apply the tabata protocol. 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for a total of 8 rounds. Your lowest round is your score.

Post your exercise and score to comments.

Sumo dead-lift high pull.

There will be a survey up on Tuesday to determine the winner of last week's caption contest.

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7 Responses to "Sunday 081005"

  1. paul Says:
  2. there was champagne yesterday? typical--the one saturday i miss. oh well, no one to blame but myself.
  3. hannah eileen Says:
  4. paul, you didnt miss much. it was one baby bottle that we split between at least 4 people.
  5. A Says:
  6. Did a nice quick workout...10 mintue run at 85%, then tabata run at 4% incline at 9.6 speed. Then, did a bunch of pushups, and also finished with 15 reps 65# OHS. Fun day! :-)
  7. Cari Says:
  8. Ran a 5K for Race for the Cure w/ my mom; it was great! Saw Xtina running which is crazy b/c there were 17,000 people ... great job!!
  9. BC Says:
  10. I worked the heavy bag for about 20 min then did :30 handstand holds X5. Not too bad for a lazy Sunday.
  11. Sam Loomis Says:
  12. I recall somebody once saying that time is the Old Bald Cheater. It seems to me that Tabata might be his kid brother.

    I wanted to work shoulders, so I found an 18 gallon tub I had lying around the house and decided to use it for should presses. The contents of the tub totaled to 32 pounds. No problem for shoulder press right?....Wrong! Not with Burny McTaburton in the house.

    My worst round was 9.

    Such wonderful, searing pain. :)

    20 min. brisk bike ride in high winds followed.
  13. Anonymous Says:
  14. I did a mishmosh..

    400 m run
    30 OH squats w/bar @ 45lbs
    400 m run
    30 Thrusters w/bar @ 45 lbs
    200 m run
    30 KB swings @ 1 pood
    200 m run
    30 jumping squats....

    My legs were TOASTY when I was doing the jumping squats! I had to break up those 30 reps bc my legs were on fire! Not sure if it was the running, the OH squats, the thrusters or the swings that made my legs tired ;)

    Then I continued with my home projects this weekend :)

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