Monday 081020

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

Rest Day.

"Coaching the Elderly Part 2" by Jim Baker, CrossFit Journal Preview - video [wmv] [mov]

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7 Responses to "Monday 081020"

  1. paul Says:
  2. 250m rowx6
    fastest time: 44s.
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. I did last Monday's WOD of 5 DLs and 21 Thrusters Rx'd (165# and 55#). I got through 5 total rounds plus 5 DLs and 4 thrusters. DLs felt really good today. But the thrusters sucked!
  5. Donohoe Says:
  6. WARNING WARNING if you need to recover stay away from thrusters x5 hangcleans x7 and dlhpx10. It is a monster or rather a wolf in sheeps clothing WOD.
    I did 7 rounds in 20 with 115 and barely finished those.
    Thruster still suck my a^^, I at least didnt break up any reps in each series so thats a win.
    Great job breakfeast clubbers.
    Donohoe out.....
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. I did Sunday's workout...took me 16 mins so I did 30 burpee's. Angela holy cow how did you do that sooo fast!?! You rock. I could only do it for 1/5 of a mile at that pace :(
  9. Mark Says:
  10. I did the main site workout today:
    AMRAP 20 minutes of:
    5 thrusters
    7 hang pwer cleans
    10 SDLHP's
    Rx'd was 95# but I scaled to 88#

    I did 8 rounds, 5 thrusters.

    After a long rest I also did an ab workout from the past:
    60 second bridge hold (yellow plate)
    60 sit-ups
    50 sec
    50 sit-ups
    down to 10.

    I am sure my abs will hate me for it tomorrow.
  11. BC Says:
  12. I did 5 rounds of:
    50 DU's
    15 jumping ring dips
    15 KTE's

    Not too bad and at least I accomplished something today, which was more than I can say for yesterday.
  13. Steve Says:
  14. I did the thrusters, hang power cleans and SDLHPs. Was very happy that I managed to do it at 88lbs, and have absolutely no idea how many rounds completed. Greg- great working out side-by-side with you.

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