Wednesday 080924

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

1000 meter row
5 rounds of:
7 Push press (135#/85#)
20 DB Squats (35#/25#)

Post time to comments.

This is what it's all about. We had a great time on Saturday morning and it showed. Everyone worked their butts off and had a lot of fun doing it. I hope you like this little montage I put together. It really does give credit to "A picture is worth a thousand words."

So we pretty much have Fight Gone Bad sign-ups all wrapped up. There is one spot available to anyone that is interested. Make sure you visit our team page and sign-up before it's too late as tomorrow is the last day for national sign-ups as well. 

I would like to see one final push for 5,000 dollars. I know we can do it. It definitely is for a worthy cause so if possible give another 10 or 20 dollars and thank you guys for all the money you have already given. We have such a great group of people associated with this gym. 

Also, if you have any tables or chairs that you don't mind loaning to us for the day it would be greatly appreciated. We plan on having quite a few people here so please bring them if you have them. 

Finally, I have mentioned it previously many times but if you make a great pasta or apple pie, whip it up and bring it for everyone to enjoy. Don't have a great recipe then just stop at the store and pick up some chips or better yet how about some beverages (wink, wink).

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25 Responses to "Wednesday 080924"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. That video is the!!
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. Awesome video! Love it!
  5. hannah eileen Says:
  6. that video is great. way to be ricky. sorry i wont be around on saturday to bring you guys my brownies. im sure someone will pick up my slack.

    i finished somewhere around 25 minutes. it was one hell of a work out and i am exhausted. 6am did amazing work this morning!
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. You 6AM Crossfitters are beasts! It's awesome to see that kind of weight being moved prior to sunrise.

    I finished just under 20 minutes as Rx'd and now my shoulders are so tired it is actually hard to type this.

    It was great seeing some new faces and some old ones I haven't in a while. I'll definitely have to cheat on my 5:30 class again sometime soon.
  9. JonD Says:
  10. Video was an inspiration (spell check that one?) and it is gettin me Jacked to do the workout today. Ricky did a great job on the video and everyone was workin hard.

    See yall sometime today
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. That video rocked! The looks on everyones faces tells all.
  13. Anonymous Says:
  14. The video is awesome(does anybody know what song that is), I wish I could come on Saturdays.

    WOD: 21:23 82# push press
    25# DB squats
    Great job 6am! Jon you spelled inspiration correctly.
  15. ZachR Says:
  16. ~23 minutes to complete today's workout. I think the row was under 3:30. Good job to everyone at 6am.
  17. Greg MO Says:
  18. 13:13 rxd minus waiting time for bars about = 1min or so

    Great wod..I'm thinkn I can get this 1 close to 10min or so if set-up is perfect...

    GREAT JOB 6am!!!!
  19. paul Says:
  20. Greg, you must've been flyin'!

    Busy day, so i just ran 9/10 of a mile in 5:38. why not an even mile, you ask? sheer laziness. it won't happen again. i swear.
  21. Anonymous Says:
  22. come on paul! shame.
  23. JonD Says:
  24. Sounds like 6am did great this morning and I miss yall, and thanks Lindsey for the spell check.

    I did the WOD in 19:56 I did 131# for push press and 35# for squat. This one killed me, but I was really impressed with the nooners. There were a few buzzer beaters with a 20 min cutoff. Love the effort guys/gals.

    I will see the 6amers tomorrow but dont think i will make it tonight to see the night crew work hard. So good luck and see yall soon.

    Get ready for FGB III its around the corner.
  25. Anonymous Says:
  26. 14:38 felt pretty good it would be nice to workout with someone at 4 every so often

  27. BC Says:
  28. Holy sh!t, that hurt! 20:25 using 110# for push press, squats as Rx'd. I got through the 1000m row in just over 4 min which I was pleased with but it was all down hill from there. Great job by everyone at 5:30, great effort and intensity.
  29. Anonymous Says:
  30. I got my *ss handed to me on that WOD. 16:40 and I dropped down to 77lb push press from RX - no excuses, my form looked like dung on those presses. They could have recorded what NOT to do ---

    I had zero upper strength after that one and after yesterdays WOD of 15X5 weighted 22lb pushups, pistols and box jumps....I think I might need a rest day.

    I seriously smell like wet dog and now am covered in dog hair from my German Sheppard shedding all over me. We are off for our evening walk...

    Katie - nice work tonight!!!
  31. Anonymous Says:
  32. oh yes and because someone twisted my arm, I am making double fudge carmel brownies and a pan of my specialty brownies....for saturday of course -)
  33. BC Says:
  34. "Specialty" brownies Reba??? I can hear the conversations already, "Duuuuuude....I'm, like, so not sore....and I can totally see though my hand....have you ever noticed that Joe and Gabe act just like Shaggy and Scooby...sweeeeeeet." Make 2 pans.
  35. Kelli Says:
  36. yum brownies...;) I finished in 18:08 I subbed 75# instead of 85# for the push press. I had started at 85#, did 2 reps and dropped it down. I liked this one...thanks Ricky for that final push...really helped me mentally :)
  37. Donohoe Says:
  38. Hello omaha fitters,
    I used the rx weights and completed it in 9 min 55 sec ,since i do not have a row machine i dont think that it really counts. That was desceptivly tough workout. I am looking forward to returning on saturday to watch the fight gone bad and seeing what been going on.
  39. paul Says:
  40. my thoughts exactly about the brownies. except for the 2 pans part...i was thinking 3.
  41. A Says:
  42. 13:18 or something like that. Used 87# for push press. Probably shouldn't have, but good luck telling me no today. Great job to all at 5:30. Serious work today!
  43. Anonymous Says:
  44. my specialty brownies are filled with carmel and a secret, not anything illicit though! ha!
  45. A Says:
  46. Reba, that explains so very much...

  47. Addi Says:
  48. Nice video, Ricky! Thanks for showing me passed out in the corner, and then everyone else still working out. Jerk. :)
  49. Anonymous Says:
  50. 17:53...booo I didnt even have a heave weight for push press, started at 63, then guess what, went to 53 and 25 for squats.

    Super excited for FGB on Saturday, looking forward to magic brownies :)

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