Wednesday 080917

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

50 Strict Pull-ups (no jumping/no kipping)

The amount of reps jump to 55 if you use a purple band, 60 if you use a tan band, 65 for a blue band, and 70 for a green band. You may not use a band if you are able to do at least 7 pull-ups.

The catch (as always). Every time you come down from the bar you must complete 50 sit-ups before attempting pull-ups again.

Post overall time and the total number of sit-ups you had to do to comments.

Ring dips are not easy for guys let alone females. As a matter of fact, I would put my money on most people in big box gyms not being able to accomplish even one correct pushup. Be proud ladies as you guys are probably a lot stronger than most men in those gyms. 

It's a girl! Crystal and I found out yesterday that Damian will be receiving a baby sister. We are all excited and wish Crystal a safe and healthy final months of pregnancy.

Joe and I will not be conducting both the 5:30 and 6:30 classes tonight. Kylie, Amanda, and Jon will be filling in for us and we believe they will do a tremendous job. Give them your all as this will be the first time that they handle classes without Joe and I critiquing their every move. Have fun and we'll see everyone on Thursday.

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33 Responses to "Wednesday 080917"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. 2 hour time limit on this one?

    and congrats on the baby girl to crystal, ricky, and damian!
  3. Cari Says:
  4. Congrats Ricky and Crystal!! I'm sure Damien is going to be a great big brother!
  5. Donohoe Says:
  6. Congradulations Ricki and crystal,
    I am missing our gym more and more as I am away longer I miss all of you crazy crossfitters. Hope everyone is doing well and working hard.
    Talk to you soon,
    BJ Donohoe
  7. hannah eileen Says:
  8. Congrats! Damian will be an amazing big brother. Crystal, I miss you. See you Thursday night? Glad to hear everyone is doing well.
  9. BC Says:
  10. Congratulations Fraustos!
  11. Steve Says:
  12. Congrats Crystal and Ricky!
    I'm looking forward to this, unfortunately I can't make it. Maybe do this one on a rest day. I kinda like the workouts with the punishment incentives involved- time doesn't always motivate, but the threat of additional work (sit-ups) does.
  13. Chad Says:
  14. Congratulations Crystal & Ricky.
  15. Anonymous Says:
  16. Looks like I'm going to be doing like 1,000 sit-ups tomorrow!
  17. Mark Says:
  18. Congratulations Crystal, Ricky and Damien!!

    Awesome, a pull-ups only WOD the day after I tear my hand again. Those damn BFK pull-ups are going to be the end of me.
  19. Addi Says:
  20. Congrats, Crystal and Ricky! And, I know what you're going to ask... I'm flattered... of course you can name her Addi.

    You're too sweet.
  21. Anonymous Says:
  22. Congrats Ricky and Crystal :)

    Well I hate to break the bad news to Addi, but country names like "reba" are really comin back in style ;)
  23. Anonymous Says:
  24. obviously I just posted the above comment, but forgot how to use webblog again ;) ha!
  25. A Says:
  26. Congrats, Ricky and Crystal!!! I am so happy for you!
  27. Anonymous Says:
  28. Congratulations Crystal, Ricky, and Damian!!
  29. Anonymous Says:
  30. First - Congratulations Crystal & Ricky!
    Secondly - I miss training with you guys when I am in Omaha and hope you all are doing well.

    The Challenge!!! My buddy Steve and I do most of Omaha WOD and would like to challenge CrossFit Omaha members to do this WOD weighted! Both of us will be wearing 25lb IBA (body armour) for the workout. Good luck and please let me know how you did.

    Take care guys!

  31. paul Says:
  32. Congrats, Crystal and Ricky!
  33. Anonymous Says:
  34. Ricky, Crystal, and Damiian...Congrats!! I am so excited for you guys. Did someone say BABY SHOWER!!! Well I guess I just did, details to come later...I am sure there are some unique outfits we can find for this future Crossfitter :)
  35. ZachR Says:
  36. Congrats to Ricky, Crystal and Damien.

    As for the workout I did the pullups in sets of:
    and therefore did 300 situps. Ouch!
  37. Anonymous Says:
  38. Thanks guys, we are really excited too. Now my house will be equally divided!

    And Reba & Addi, i'll add your names to our list!! I think the name thing will be the hardest part (besides the clothes shopping)!
  39. Unknown Says:
  40. Congrats Guys that is great wish you a comfortable last few months crystal, easier said than done. Ricky you better start practicing on braiding hair, just playin.

    Looking forward to coming tonight its been awhile it feels like.
  41. Anonymous Says:
  42. Congrats Ricky and Crystal!!
    my pullup sets with the tan band:
    and I did 300 situps!
  43. Anonymous Says:
  44. I was really worried about this WOD. I was sure I was going to end up doing a lot of sit-ups...
    It went better than expected. I used the tan band so I added 10 pull ups.
    With 150 sit-ups.
    Jim Gill you did awesome today!
  45. BC Says:
  46. A follow up to Tyson's comment - don't worry Ricky, I've got the whole putting hair in ponies/painting finger and toe nails/playing with Barbies, etc down. Sometimes I even do these things with my daugthers.
  47. paul Says:
  48. HA! yes, BC!

    I would love to do this, but my shoulder says no. I think I'm going to do some sprints near my house and call it a day.
  49. Anonymous Says:
  50. Congrats to Ricky and Crystal. I am one of those who are blessed to have one of each. You see the whole spectrum that way.

    Thanks Angela.

    I broke mine up
    15-strict with 1 green and 1 tan
    50 situps
    12-kiping with 1 green and 1 tan
    50 situps
    16-kiping with 1 green and 1 blue
    30 situps
    11-kiping with 1 green and 1 blue
    30 situps
    16-kiping with 1 green and 1 blue

    No situps was a great driving factor.
    Dan was really starting to click on his toward the end as well. Way to go.
  51. paul Says:
  52. 200 air squats: 4:58
  53. Anonymous Says:
  54. 55 using the purple band and 300 situps...

    Kylie is an animal at pullups!!! Seriously that is some awesome strength you have there :)
  55. Anonymous Says:
  56. thanks reba, you did awesome too! way to bust out those last few!

    10-9-7-7-7-6-4 + 300 sit-ups
    Loved this one-like the relaxed pace every once and a while!
  57. Mark Says:
  58. I did mine in sets of:
    10 & 50 sit-ups
    9 & 50
    7 & 50
    6 & 50
    7 & 50
    7 & 50
    4 & 50

    I did my pull-ups with a reverse grip, though. After wards I did 30 HSPU's and 100 push-ups to get a little more strength work in. I should have joined Schwen in doing some arm curls too, haha!
  59. Kelli Says:
  60. 65 pullups (blue band) +300 situps

    10-7-7-8-....can't remember the rest. ended with 4-4-1....

    awesome job rocked it! and reba nice way to pull out those last ones!
  61. JonD Says:
  62. GREAT job today everyone. It was a real pleasure watching everyone work hard today and I had a lot of fun. I did the WOD as
    200 sit-ups total
    I was really happy with what I did and I realized I need to work on sit ups, something I overlook all the time. Well 5:30 and 6:30 tonight was great, thanks for making it really easy by working hard and pushing it. Hope to see everyone one tomorrow and talk to yall later.
  63. Mark Says:
  64. Ok I lied, I didn't do that last 50 sit ups.
  65. kahrs Says:
  66. Congratulations Crystal, Ricky and Damian.

    Also congratulations Brilz on your UFC win tonight hope to actually get to see the fight some time.

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