Thursday 080918

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

Front Squat 3-3-3-3-3-3-3 reps

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Jeremy Knott.

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10 Responses to "Thursday 080918"

  1. kahrs Says:
  2. 228x2

    Things felt pretty decent this morning, I need to work on getting out of the bottom quicker.

    Everyone did a great job.
  3. ZachR Says:
  4. 238x3 (PR)

    I hit a PR thanks to Jeff. I could not remember my previous PR and I was only going to try 228 for my last set...which was my previous PR. Jeff decided to jump to 238 and so I gave it a shot and got all 3.

    Thanks for letting us in this morning, Joe. Sorry we woke you guys up from your nap...not really!
  5. Greg MO Says:
  6. 242x3
    252x2....pretty close on 3rd rep..whew!....

    Nice job 6am!!!
  7. hannah eileen Says:
  8. thanks to lindsey and ashley, i got blues and 5's which is 131. that x3 and then 141x.5 there was no chance i was getting that weight up. great job this morning people!
    joe and ricky, i am glad you guys had so much fun last night.
    brillz, great job last night!
  9. BC Says:
  10. Way to go Brillz!!! There are some great pix on of Brillz pummeling his opponet while representing CrossFit Omaha, check 'em out. There was also a pretty good picture in the World Herald. Once again the man is keeping me down today so I'm going to have to put in 2 workouts tomorrow. Later.
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. 131x3, attempted for 141 but failed, good Hannah and Ashley!!
  13. paul Says:
  14. Hells yeah, Brilz! Way to represent!
  15. Anonymous Says:
  16. 136 X 3...PR by 36lbs...and a little over bodyweight :)

    THEN...Joe thought we were all being slackers so he made us do the following.

    25 Burpees and about 800 meter run.
    3:20 - that sucked after legs were already fried from front squat.
  17. Mark Says:
  18. 208 X 3... definitely a PR but I am not sure what my previous was.

    I finished the burpee / run in 3:17 and it's got to be more than 800 meters. I'm going to say its close to a half mile, like 0.4 miles.

    At first Joe was going to have us to tabata push-ups but then he said we were going to be doing them in tomorrow's WOD, but tomorrow is a rest day... I'm confused.
  19. Kelli Says:
  20. 154 x 3 as an 8th set (7th did 150) - basically bodyweight. Not a huge struggle, but my first time doing these as a WOD, so I'll use it as a benchmark. After that we did a pushup game...working on that weakness...

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