Tuesday 080916

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

5 rounds for time
10 Med Ball Clean/Wall Balls (20#/14#)
10 Triple Unders

There are only a few people that I know of that can do continuous triple-unders but I am sure there are many of you that can do a single triple-under followed by another single triple-under and so on. Substitute 3 double-unders for every one triple-under. 

If you don't have a double under, Joe and I will find a substitution for you during class consisting of single unders and tuck jumps. 

The med ball clean into wall ball is exactly as it sounds. Do a med ball clean and come out of the squat right into a wall ball. 

Post time to comments.

Kelli meet "Linda", "Linda" meet Kelli

Steve Filips wanted me to remind everyone that the CBMC Bike Ride is this Saturday morning with registration beginning at 7:30 am. There will be a guest speaker at 8:15 followed by myself taking all the riders through a short dynamic warm-up at 8:45. The ride begins at 9:00 AM sharp. Click on this link for additional information.

There are three distances that riders can choose from with support stops (food, drink, first aid) along the way. The shortest distance is a 12 mile fun ride followed by a 22 mile distance and the longest at 44 miles. Each distance will start at a different time. Longest distance begins at 9 AM while the next two begin at 9:10 and 9:20, respectively.

If you pre-register prior to Saturday morning you will receive a free t-shirt along with a goody bag. There will also be a Hy-Vee catered breakfast following the race.

You may also want to consider registering as a team as this brings a discounted entry fee. The contact information for registering as a team is:
John Reimer

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17 Responses to "Tuesday 080916"

  1. Kelli Says:
  2. hello linda...i remember you...
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. Arrrrgggg I just started to "get" double unders, now this?!?! I will make sure to bring a long sleeve shirt for the lashings...what's next quad unders...say its not so..PLEASE :)
  5. paul Says:
  6. this is going to suck, but i am going to love it anyway.
  7. paul Says:
  8. 7:33 with 30 DUs instead of 10 triples.

    nice job, 6ers!
  9. hannah eileen Says:
  10. this was a great morning workout. i loved it. however, the tops of my feet are all torn up with welts...damn 5finger shoes. they hurt like hell.
    subbed 30 DU's for triple unders. i didnt even attempt the triples, i barely have doubles.
    15:30. awful. i feel like i could have pushed the DUs more, but o well. whats done is done. great effort this morning 6amers especially tom who never dropped his intensity or effort.
  11. ZachR Says:
  12. 5:55

    Subbed 30 double unders for 10 triple unders.
  13. Greg MO Says:

    I H8 JUMPING ROPE!!!!!

    as if ppl couldnt tell this morn....

    18:00 or so...
  15. Anonymous Says:
  16. I wanted to let you know I sent out the crossfit email list today! I added some new people so Katy, Veronica, Gary, Kelli, Chad, Jim, or Greg if you did not get this please let me know....I did something wrong :)
    If you were not on this list and would like to be email me your info I will not send another list out until the end of October with new names!

    Have a great day.
  17. Anonymous Says:
  18. F-word double unders I suck like 14something I think who knows

  19. BC Says:
  20. 9:46 with DU's. During the first round I knocked out 29 consecutive DU's, a new personal best. Finally, something that I'm actually pretty good at. Great job nooners.
  21. Addi Says:
  22. DJ - I'm pretty sure it was in the 13s...

    B - I thought you finished those first DUs inhumanly fast... I need to dig out my jumprope so I can beat you next time.

    10:26 for me, I think - somewhere in that neighborhood. This was fun, but a little brutal. The cleans/wall ball felt really easy, but I got stuck on DUs after round 3. I always get the first 12 in a row, and then it's downhill from there. I get tired and my timing goes to crap. If my DUs were more consistent, I could have killed this.
  23. Anonymous Says:
  24. There is a good possibility that I may be finishing this workout just in time for the 6AM'rs in the morning.... I HATE DU's!!!!

  25. Anonymous Says:
  26. 6:43
    I had to do a couple extra clean/wall balls each round or I would have been a little faster...
    Great job 5:30! Y'all did awesome even though I know a lot of you hated the DU's.
  27. JonD Says:
  28. I am upset, my DU's were awful today. I finally got my rythme on the last round and did 15 and 15 to end it. Well I guess I need to calm down a little while doing them and just get into a rythme.

    5:30 did awesome and I think I am focusing more on getting the full ROM more now than I did in the past, and making sure I do them correctly. Well great job everyone and I will see yall tomorrow. O ya I got it done in 10:04.
  29. Anonymous Says:
  30. ok so I don't hate DU's anymore. Got 20 in a row, a PR for me. Finished @ 11:48. Nice work 6:30.
  31. Mark Says:
  32. 9:46 for me tonight... not so happy with my double unders. The first round I did like 3 at a time. This WOD was deceivingly tough. Great work everyone at 5:30!!
  33. Anonymous Says:
  34. 7:45 doing double unders...and yes double unders still frustrate me and Joe hit it on the nail when he said "its because with double unders you have to 'start over'!!!" EXACTLY! Every time I missed and had to start over, it just ticks you off so bad that sometimes you take more time to than needed to just 'start' again. My first round of double unders were the worst!!! I didn't even want to start my second round...but finally started to find that groove towards the end - just takes me awhile...

    I air balled a few wall balls too and ended up doing 12 or 13 on my last round :(

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