Wednesday 080910

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

Play around with turkish getups. Use a dumbbell, a kettlebell, or a loaded bar. How heavy can you get? 

finish w/

2 rounds for time of:
400 meter run
12 Kettlebell swings (2 pood/1.5 pood)

How many of you can finish in under 7 minutes? 6 minutes? How about in under 5 minutes? No way anyone finishes in under 4.

Post heaviest turkish getup and time to comments.

Belly Bump Push Balls. Here we have a 5 months pregnant super-hero still going strong in her workouts. Who says they can't do CrossFit? 

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28 Responses to "Wednesday 080910"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. Way to go Libby. Check out the WOD on the main site. Crossfit Omaha is on the map.
  3. BC Says:
  4. Really great article Ricky, one that hits close to home. As much as I hate to admit it, I'm probably guilty of this more than even I realize. For me it's a combination of being fearful of pushing myself past my limits and causing harm, while at the same time not knowing what my limits really are. There have been times when I've paced myself so I didn't "run out of gas" towards the end of a workout. And despite the gains I've made thus far I'm often frustrated and dissapointed with myself because I just can't seem to get the gas tank to grow, and I think this article is pointing out why that is and what my problem has been. I guess I'm having a little epiphany here and it's time to take the training wheels off. And like the author says, maybe I won't be able to do a single swing or pullup or whatever...this time. But next time will be different. Good stuff, as always. See everyone tomorrow.
  5. kahrs Says:
  6. Awesome job Libby, was a good video. I love the part with Joe dying in the background. Great job guys.
  7. Steve Says:
  8. I absolutely agree with the line, "Score-motivated performance is not an unspeakable evil, but awareness of its potential to hurt long term development is a must."
  9. Steve Says:
  10. ... and Libby, great video. Way to represent Xfit Omaha.
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. Whoa!

    Great video Libby. Powerful thrusters. You made it look easy.

    Hope to meet the legend next time I visit home and CrossFit Omaha!
  13. paul Says:
  14. hells yeah, Libby! i just looked through the comments on the main site. everyone's talking about Libby!
  15. ZachR Says:
  16. I got up to 88# with just my right arm for the TGs. I did get 75# with my left arm but it wasn't pretty. Finished the workout in 3:59. Way to kill that workout Alan and Greg.
  17. Greg MO Says:
  18. #88 turkish get up w/right hand..
    3:51 on workout..

    That's freakn sweeet that Libby, Rick, and Joe got on the main site!!!

  19. Anonymous Says:
  20. wow libby! you're my hero!!
  21. Anonymous Says:
  22. Ok I have to wait until I get home to see the video -dang!

    Speaking of Libby - where the h*ll have ya been!!! :) Miss you - get your punk *ss back in there during the evening wod sometime!!! what - what - what was that?? u want a piece of me?!?! ha! ;)

    see you soon Libby!!!
  23. Anonymous Says:
  24. Ok I do that management thing all the time. I break up those sets into groups of 5/10/15 or whatever and then give myself "breaths" between them instead of just trying to go as hard as I can at each one until have to stop. I need to quit doing that....

    great article Ricky/joe. I am always afraid of burnout on wods too fast, but trying to manage my time isn't good either.
  25. A Says:
  26. Yep. This article hits close to home. This "active rest" business is crap, and I need to knock it off. What a well written article, I might add.
    I have to say, I have really tried to take to heart, that I am sacrificing strength, in order to finish as close to first as possible. Metabolically, I am pretty good. From a strength perspective, I am a big freakin weanie. This is a huge detriment to my goals. Ricky, you are absolutely right. It just takes a while for me to accept.
  27. Anonymous Says:
  28. 1.5 pood with my right arm, but i also used a bar with 49#, it was hard to balance the bar, 44# bar with my left arm
    my time was: 4:31
  29. paul Says:
  30. Got up to 65 on TGUs with both hands. Didn't attempt 88. Got the other done in 3:58.
  31. A Says:
  32. TGUs - Got up to 45# bar on left hand, 45# dumbell on right hand. Finished WOD in 4:35 with 1.5 pood. Good stuff today! Way to kill it, Paul!
  33. JimmyG Says:
  34. WHOOT WHOOT! Great to see you guys on the main site. I miss you guys and hope to get back soon.
  35. Melissa B Says:
  36. way to represent for Omaha Libby!!!
  37. BC Says:
  38. 4:18 on the run/swings. Another incredible effort by everyone at 5:30, clearly putting the 6am group to shame. Yeah, you heard me.
  39. Kelli Says:
  40. 1 pood left hand/1.5 pood right hand -- first time doing these, can't believe I haven't done them before...they are awesome! For the WOD -- 4:48 - had a ball in my throat when I finished...nice...
  41. Kelli Says:
  42. forgot to add...I scaled...1/2 the run...
  43. Anonymous Says:
  44. Fantastic Libby!! Can I get a whoa yeah!!
    Got 38 on TG's it is hard 2 balance that crazy bar.tried the 45 but no dice.
    5:04 on the WOD not stellar thats for sure. Nice work Addy on your running!
  45. Anonymous Says:
  46. 4:05 on the run
    I really liked working on the TGUs today! I got up to 53# on a bar and could not get the damn 1.5 pood!!
  47. Mark Says:
  48. I got to 75# both hands with the bar for my TGU's. You can really tell what your dominant side is with those (my left).

    4:13 on the run / KB swings. I didn't know what to expect for time here so I was shooting for under 5 minutes. After I finished I wished I would have run a little harder to get under 4.
  49. Anonymous Says:
  50. 4:27 on the run with 1.5 pood - first time with that sucker - big difference - dang

    the turkish getups were a little fun to mess with. I got up to 45lbs with DB both sides and then worked the 1 pood for a few more reps - then went to just the bar and worked on the balance - talk about wobble wobble.

    Nice work 5:30.
  51. Anonymous Says:
  52. 4:25 on the run. get-ups i got the 45 bar only once on my right arm and 45 bar with a graceful fall the last foot on my left. but then, i couldn't do either anymore, i couldn't stabilize and kept dropping it. first time is a charm. i'll have to work on this. great job 6:30! taking a rest day tomorrow, see you all on friday.
  53. Anonymous Says:
  54. No TGu's for me. Did 3:23 for the WOD, but only ran to the flag pole on the run and used a 1 pood for swings. Nice job 6:30!
  55. Addi Says:
  56. So last night I posted a witty and meaningful little message about my deep, unending love of both strength days and TGUs, as well as a few good-natured tauntings directed at Ricky and Danielle. For some reason, they didn't go through (computer was acting up), and I'm far too tired to remember what I said. But here's the gist.

    TGUs - 45 pound bar. Right hand was solid, left was shaky. Two rather graceful dismounts.

    Running/swings - I hate Enterprise. Running was better than usual, but that doesn' mean much. :) 5:01 - thanks for pushing me, Danielle!

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