Rest Day.
One-half of the dynamic duo known as the Barna sisters. Veronica is showing some skills with the jump rope. She is showing improvement every day and is so close to getting her first pull-up.
Another reminder that Fight Gone Bad III is just around the corner. We need you to sign up as a participant or at least let Joe or I know if you can make it in that day to help count reps. For those of you coming, either helping out or working out, plan on bringing a plate of your favorite dish as we will be sticking around afterwards for some lunch and drinks. Click on this link to visit our Fight Gone Bad team webpage.
I also need you guys that have signed up to encourage those that haven't to do so. There are still newer members that don't know to check the blog for information on workouts, upcoming events, and posting of times to the comments so be sure to mention it to all new people so that we can keep building this community.
since i will be unable to workout tomorrow (damn 7-7 work) i came in today to work on some stuff. i wanted to do the 3 things i hate more than anything without being too worried about time. i did:
6 rds
5 kb swings (started with 1.5, ended with 1 bc we did them yesterday)
5 pullups
5 pushups
finished 8:47. i could have pushed myself harder, but i wanted to get better work in than a good time. great job tonight people. kylie, you are truly an inspiration to do work. :) see everyone saturday
Mel C
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of:
1.5 times body weight deadlifts
body weight bench press
3/4 body weight full squat cleans
I scaled to 220# deadlift (120% BW),138# bench (77% BW) and 88# cleans (49% BW). I DNF, I made it through the round of 4 when time was called. Really tough one tonight...
155# deadlift (135% bodyweight)
77# cleans (65% bw)
70# bench (61% bw)
Finished just before the cut off. I think the above numbers are right...although my hands are still shaking from the workout. I LOVE IT!!!
Awesome job to 6:30!!