Tuesday 080909

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


5 rounds for time
30 Push Ball (20#/14#)
10 Pull-ups
30 No Pushup Burpees

Push Ball - Holding a medicine ball at shoulder height. Use a quick dip and return drive of the legs to initiate a launch of the ball. Follow through with arm extension, pushing the ball up to a target. Catch the ball following its bounce off the target, return to shoulder height, and repeat. The movement of the body should mimic the push press--the only considerable difference being the position of the implement and its release at the top.

Post time to comments.

One of our newest clients, Katy Eledge, getting her first taste of back squats. She did a wonderful job last night along with everyone else that came in. Keep up the awesome work and oh yeah, make sure you introduce yourself to Katy and make her feel at home.

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23 Responses to "Tuesday 080909"

  1. paul Says:
  2. this is going to be brutal. i love it.
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. Hello all, if you want to be on the Crossfit Omaha email list please send me an email You will be in the know on Crossfit Omaha activities. I will send out the updated list on the 15th so look for it.

    Have a strong day!!
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. I'm with Paul..... Nasty!!
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. wow, that's 150 burpees...just in case someone out there isn't good with math. see you all at 5:30!
  9. Steve Says:
  10. although this does look like a fun one, i need to get some running mileage in. i have class tomorrow nite so see everyone on thursday.
  11. paul Says:
  12. i was right. ouch. 20:25, if i heard the man correctly.
  13. kahrs Says:
  14. Yes, Paul you were right Brutal. 20:44
  15. Greg MO Says:
  16. 18:33.....
    Holy cow....:-p
  17. Jen Says:
  18. 21 something. I couldn't hear Ricky when he called out the time because my lungs were liquifying and my brain was hemoraging.
  19. Anonymous Says:
  20. a big DNF I still had to complete 10 burpees & round #5, this was tough.
  21. hannah eileen Says:
  22. wow, you guys really know how to convince someone to come in. i am not really in the mood to get my ass kicked...but i'll see you at 5:30.
  23. BC Says:
  24. DNF, I was 16 burpees away from finishing. Good job nooners and thanks for the post-workout tutorial Joe and Ricky, I'll keep that stuff in mind.
  25. Anonymous Says:
  26. I feel you Hannah...I swear to god I HATE burpees...but like Ricky gotta come in especially when it's something you hate because you're usually bad at it.
    See you at 6:30...AND Jess Hessel! I am SOOO glad you're a Crossfitter! Now...we just have to coordinate our schedules so I can see your silly ass more!

    Welcome Katy!

    Mel C
  27. JonD Says:
  28. I loved it, and by that I mean I love to be in the fetal position while I am writing this after the workout. I had 15 burpees left and I am pist so I did them after I drove home in my apartment parking lot, I got a "what the hell is this guy doing" comment from some dudes. Thats nothin new to me. Well I am going to live by Ricky's quote he was yelling at me today and it will be my moto. GO hard and DNR insead of DNF the work out. Well I DNF it today and next time Im gonna go until I DNR it. Does that make any sense? well anywho great job today everyone and I will see yall later.
  29. Anonymous Says:
  30. 19:58 I was shooting for closer to 19 though. I LOVE workouts like this! What's wrong with me? Who loves that?
    It was an awesome atmosphere tonight at 5:30... everyone was going so hard and working like hell! Great job!!
  31. Anonymous Says:
  32. I forgot to say that my target was 1 cinder block lower than the square for the push balls
  33. Anonymous Says:
  34. I agree, Angela. These are my fave workouts... Feels great when you finish! (OR, in my case tonight - when you DNF and the time is called) 2 Pullups and 30 Burpees left at time cutoff! I think if I would have paced myself better I could have finished - I will know for next time.

    Great Work Everybody!

    AND I was witness to Mel C's first kipping pullup - WAY TO GO!
  35. Anonymous Says:
  36. DNF, but got thru 3 full rounds. Used 12# for push balls and went to the black box and scaled my burpees using yellow plates under my hands.

    Way to go 6:30! Jim, Jeremy, Mel, Keri, Makayla, Zac R, Tovar & Gary. Way to push thru. I have to admit that the looks on the 5:30 class faces as i was driving up scared me a little bit. I wasn't sure what to expect. See ya'll tomorrow.
  37. Anonymous Says:
  38. 16:40
    Wall balls helped me with my height
    Pull ups only broke up once and
    grinded thru the burpees

  39. Anonymous Says:
  40. 21:35 Rx'd... I was hoping to go under 20 minutes but I took way too many breaks. Push balls were hard but not too bad and the pull-ups were fine but those damn burpees killed me, and I usually like doing burpees. Perhaps it was the 150 of them we had to do!!! These type of workouts are my least favorite but that's why I still come in. Great work everyone at 5:30!!!
  41. Anonymous Says:
  42. DNF had about 21 burpees to go.

    Used one block down for my target and straight leg kipping until that last round where I just went as fast as possible.
  43. A Says:
  44. Big...Fat...DNF. May very well be my very first DNF. I think it could technically be classified as a DNFF. I did, however do everything Rx'd, and did all butterfly kips for the first time. (I have to give myself some sort of credit, so I don't feel like such a wimp). :-) Phenomenal job to everyone at 5:30! And way to go, Mel on your first of many kips!!!
  45. ZachR Says:
  46. I finished in 21:26 and did CTB pullups. I was also hoping to finish under 20 minutes but it just wasn't happening with those damn no push up burpees. Good work to everyone that came in and did this workout whether prescribed, scaled, finished or DNF because this one sucked!

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