Wednesday 080903

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

Rest Day.

Two different athletes, two different movements, one common goal. Maximum hip involvement.

There are two things I want to say about yesterday's workout. The first thing is how awesome and crazy everyone did. Some of you probably felt you didn't do as much as you should be doing but you must understand that it is a work in progress with the ultimate goal of doing all workouts as prescribed. This was a very tough workout that was put into the rotation to show you that you can do workouts like this even though you may or may not have had to scale. Which brings me to my next point. 

We are so very far from were we need to be as athletes. We have so much to work on and plenty of time to do it. This is in no way a bad comment but rather that fitness is a never-ending goal that must be tended to continuously. 

We had three guys (Zachr, Jeff S., and Tovar) go as prescribed, both in thrusters and pull-ups, and only one finished in the time limit. We had another guy (Greg M.) go as prescribed in the thrusters but kind of kipped his pull-ups. We had one other guy (D.J.) go as prescribed in the thrusters but scaled back the reps of his pull-ups. We didn't have one girl go as prescribed in either the thrusters (closest being Angela who used 88#) or pull-ups. Not to take away from the intensity and hard work, because there was a lot of it, but rather as a view of the ever-need to keep getting better every day. 

Do not get complacent and never be afraid of heavy weight. Heavy weight is where strength lies. Have a good rest day.

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10 Responses to "Wednesday 080903"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. good luck lindsey on the lfd interview. and good luck to my sister ang tomorrow for your other interview this week!
    taking a day off to get back onto crossfit omaha's schedule. its weird to start the zone on a day off. o well.
    can't wait for another great workout tomorrow. hopefully my hands dont tear up anymore than they have.
  5. Addi Says:
  6. 3 rounds:

    wall run
    5 burpees
    10 lunges (1/2 pood, 5 each arm)
    10 ball slams
    10 box jumps
    5 burpees

    Ugh. Sandwiching a run with burpees is just rude. It was a nice quick one, though - 9:28. Which I'm going to claim as first place, as Kylie L. was clearly disqualified after a false start. Victorious again!
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. The noon men did Hellen. I finished in 13:11 switching to 1 pood halfway through and jumping pullups all the way through. I probablly wouldn't have finished if Tony wasn't pushing me. I also decided what my mantra for Crossfit has become: Abs tight. It seems like Ricky and Joe are constantly telling me that (and rightly so). I start out good and then need to be reminded. I will figure it out someday. Good work guys.
  9. paul Says:
  10. I got an "abs tight" from Joe today too, Jim.

    I did weighted pushups working up to a set of 4 with reds, and then did:

    3 rds:

    5 med ball ball throws (20#)
    250m row
    10 box jumps (30")
    10 ball slams (20#)

    9:37 (i think)
  11. BC Says:
  12. I too have been given the abs tight message. "Tighten those abs." "Tighten that core." "You'll wish you listened to me when that disc comes flying out of your spine." OK then, tighter abs it is. Worked on my core and front squats, another weakness of mine. Not sure if I made any progress or not but I guess I'll find out soon enough. Great job by everyone at 5:30, esp Angela, Alison, Mark and Danielle who had their own special kind of punishment, very impressive to watch guys, well done.
  13. Anonymous Says:
  14. Tonight had its good times and bad times. Good times 22 du's in a row, new record for me! Bad times: 25 minutes with a 20 min cut off :( I don't like not finishing a W0D. Another bonus is a huge bruise on my ELBOW...what?!? Crazy DU's :)

    WOD: 15 Turkish get downs..I mean ups, 15 pushups using kb, 50 DU's 12 turkish & push ups 50 du's 9 turks, 9 pushups, 50 DU's...YEAH
  15. Mark Says:
  16. Joe had some of us work on Turkish get-ups tonight as a warm up to incorporate into a workout. I wanted to work on single leg exercises and ring dips and lucky for me (can you sense the sarcasm?), Turkish Get-ups are single leg exercises. I did:
    15-12-9 - TGU's w/ 1.5 pood KB
    21-15-9 - ring dips

    Finished in 27:??. Yes that is 27 minutes... and perhaps my longest CrossFit workout to date. Tomorrow should be interesting.
  17. A Says:
  18. I whimper every time I walk up or down stairs, I am so sore. Might I add, in my house, EVERYWHERE IS UP OR DOWN STAIRS! But, the pain is great! I seriously love it!

    Holy cow, Ang - you did an awesome job tonight! This girl did EXTRA pushups "just because." Whatever, you maniac! :-)
    Great job to everyone at 5:30! It's so neat to see so many people doing different things!

    Oh - I sucked it up on tonight's WOD. Did the TGU/KB pushups/50DUs - 15-12-9, respectively. I don't know 17 or 18 minutes, if I recall correctly? Yeah. Ang shamed me into doing 1 pood, so I am really happy with that choice to make me stronger (now that I am done with the workout). ;-)
  19. Anonymous Says:
  20. I'm bummed I missed this workout - All things I have to work on. Instead my butt has been planted in a chair for the last six hours working on a power point presentation I have to give tomorrow....BLECH!

    Anyway...tomorrow is Thursday which means LONG DAY for me - class till 10PM and no crossfit again...

    OK, I'm done whining for now...

    See ya'all Friday!

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