Tuesday 080902

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


For time:
155 pound thrusters, 15 reps
25 Strict pull-ups
155 pound thrusters, 12 reps
20 Strict pull-ups
155 pound thrusters, 9 reps
15 Strict pull-ups

The requirement for pull-ups to count is for the ears to be completely covered by the arm in the extended position and the chin noticeably above the bar. There must be no hip involvement at any time or the rep will not count. 
The cut-off time for this workout is twenty minutes. If you do not make the cut-off time you do not get to finish the workout.

Post time to comments.

Chest to bar.

There is less than a month before Fight Gone Bad III. If you have not signed up to participate please do so. Although we are trying to raise as much money as possible for prostate cancer, you don't have to donate any money to become a team member. 
Visit our team page by clicking on the Fight Gone Bad picture link to the right and sign-up today. We currently have over 60 members and yet only have 11 or 12 that have signed up. Come on people, get into gear and help us out. 
This will also be a potluck social so start thinking about a dish that you would like to contribute. Again, if you haven't signed up, get with the program and visit our team page.

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28 Responses to "Tuesday 080902"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. thrusters and pull-ups? this is like some kind of alternate fran on crack. looking forward to it!
  3. kahrs Says:
  4. Thursters 155 10-7-5
    Pull Ups 5-5-5
    Finished 19:55

    This one was tough, thrusters felt good but started to loose power from the hips then the shoulder got shot pretty quick.

    Nice work on the thrusters Jeff.
  5. Jen Says:
  6. WOD = DNF

    Nice work everyone - this was a tough one!
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. Maybe they should call this one "Saint Francis" - I may have to use the power of prayer to get through those heavy thrusters ;)

    Its hard coming back to work after a three day weekend with half my projects not completed yet :(

    See ya'll tonight!
  9. paul Says:
  10. I modified to:


    front squats (198)
    strict pullups

    brutal. but I wanted to do something as awful as everyone else was doing. solidarity, yo!
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. 12-9-6
    77lb thrusters & strict pullups, this was a tough workout.
  13. Anonymous Says:
  14. my time was 16:20
  15. Anonymous Says:
  16. I'm not going to be able to do this workout because it is all upper body. I hurt my arm while wakeboarding this weekend...not smart. So see you guys tomorrow!
    Mel C
  17. zj Says:
  18. DNF
  19. paul Says:
  20. oh yeah, time--i finished somewhere in the 18s. I don't remember.
  21. BC Says:
  22. 15:54 scaled, 110# on thrusters (15,12,9) and 12,9,6 reps on PU's, strict. Great job nooners.
  23. Anonymous Says:
  24. holy bejesus. that workout was brutal! since my weak ass can't do strict pullups, i had to do a kip but stop inbetween each one. it was awful.
    15-12-9 with 77# thrusters
    there was some awesome effort at noon! dj and zachr i am truly impressed.
  25. Donohoe Says:
  26. Get job early raisers, on a tough welcome back workout. Since I am not a pull up machine yet I scaled them to 3 sets of 5. I aslo did scaled thrusters to work on my form, pretty excitied almost had the bar on my schoulders.
    Have a great day.
    Donohoe out.............
  27. Anonymous Says:
  28. DNF
    Need to get stronger and work on strict pull-ups

  29. Anonymous Says:
  30. That was hard. And I apologize for my little fit.... as I said, I f-ing hate pull-ups. I am pretty glad that I did all 36 strict though. I didn't know I could do that. Thanks Ricky for helping me in the last few minutes.
    15-12-9 of 89# thrusters and pull-ups
  31. Anonymous Says:
  32. 15-12-9 thrusters/pullups. 83LBS. DNF the last 6 pullups, overall a good workout to build some strength where I really need it.

    Lots of teeth grit in that workout ;)
  33. Anonymous Says:
  34. 19:45 was my pathetic time
  35. ZachR Says:
  36. DNF

    Went with Rx'd and was 4 pullups short of finishing.

    This one was very tough especially the second round of thrusters.
  37. Cari Says:
  38. 53# Thrusters and Jumping Pullups -18:23
    Great job to everyone tonight!! I might not be able to go tomorrow b/c of a thing at 6pm but hopefully I can get out of it...
  39. Anonymous Says:
  40. i used 73# for thrusters and did 25-20-15 for pull-ups tried to do them all strict- did not complete. the first round i got 17 strict before i gave up and finished with half-kips, the 2nd i got 15 of the 20 strict, and by the time i got to the third round we had 30 seconds left and i kipped 13 of the last 15. all in all...DNF! great job 6:30ers!
  41. A Says:
  42. Boooo. Someone didn't use enough weight apparently. But it felt so freaking heavy, I didn't think I could go any heavier.
    77# Thruster
    Mostly strict pullups. "Mostly" is used very loosely, in this case.
    Time = 12:35

    Great job 5:30! Way to finish that last pullup, Steve! Sorry I got a little carried away with excitment! :-)
  43. Anonymous Says:
  44. That $h!t was heavy.... Rx'd 18:23
  45. Mark Says:
  46. I scaled today's workout to 133# thrusters and 20-15-10 for the pull-ups. The thrusters were killer and today's WOD was just a reaffirmation that they are one of my weaknesses. I did most of my pull-ups strict, with the exception of a few knee jerks to get the last little bit to get my chin above the bar. Finished, my scaled version in 17:57. I was slightly disappointed because I haven't had to scale many workouts for a while.
  47. Greg MO Says:
  48. 15:54 rxd.....whew!!!...
  49. Anonymous Says:
  50. I think my time was 16:34. Did 68 lbs and 15-12-9 for thrusters & pullups. Got about 3 pullups (strict) then moved on my merry way.
    Hope Damian has a fun trip 2 TX! See you soon little man :)
  51. Steve Says:
  52. great workout. Tovar- it's amazing if you made that through as rx'd. i really need to work on my thrusters- and i think i'll take Tom's advice and invest in wrist straps. alison, thanks for pushing, as always.
  53. Greg MO Says:
  54. ...ok...i kipped a little bit...
  55. Anonymous Says:
  56. 63# Thrusters 15-12-9

    Jumping pull-ups 25-20-15

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