Thursday 080904

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

For time:
30 Handstand Pushups
40 Power Cleans (95#/63#) [wmv][mov]
50 KB Swings (1.5/1)
60 Pushups
70 Jumping Air Squats [mov]

Click on the links of both power cleans and jumping air squats to get a visual of what we're looking for (the jumping squats in the video are different only because we won't using a bar). 

There is a catch to this workout. The catch lies with the handstand pushups. You are only allowed to do thirty reps if you can go full range of motion. The reps increase the more you shorten the range. Here is the breakdown: 

If you only use a green plate the reps jump to 33, 
yellow plate the reps are 36, 
blue plate = 39 reps, 
red plate = 42, 
red+green = 45, and so on by three reps. 

Everything else remains the same. As for pushups, we will be watching these closely. In order for the rep to count the chin and hips must touch the ground and touch simultaneously. On the way up, the chin and hips must leave the ground simultaneously as well. There will be a twenty-two minute cut-off.

Post time to comments.

The ultimate, in application of the skills developed in a CrossFit gym.


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27 Responses to "Thursday 080904"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. I think that pic is of the perfect touchdown toss that Katie dropped in the end zone.
    At least that is how I remember it going down.
  3. Steve Says:
  4. No DU's? No deadlifts? No thrusters? I like this one already. I'm just trying to figure out if deliberately shortening the range of motion slightly is worth the extra reps. Might be a good trade off...
  5. A Says:
  6. I have to know why there are 22 minutes before cut off, rather than 20??? I just know there is a method to this madness... :-)
  7. paul Says:
  8. no chance of doing today's WOD, so I did "michael":

    3 rds

    800m run
    50 GH situps
    50 back extensions

    about 24:30. ouch. i'm not even sure i did full 800s.
  9. kahrs Says:
  10. DNF
    Made it through 5 Pushups, had to do 45 HSPU used red and green. The shoulders are going to be sore tomorrow. Good job everyone at 6am.
  11. ZachR Says:
  12. 21:40

    Used a green bumper for HSPU making it somewhat painful to land on when the arms failed. Good work to Greg M., Zack, JonD and the rest of the 6am class.
  13. Jen Says:
  14. DNF
  15. Anonymous Says:
  16. DNF
    45 HSPU (r&g bumpers)
    Made it through 50 pushups

    GREAT JOB 6A.M.!!!
  17. Greg MO Says:
  18. 16:09 rxd....(thanks to awesome coaching by Rick)

    Maybe just a couple of reps where only my hair touched instead of my head on HSPU but I made up for it by doing KB swings all in 1 set...

    ps- I hate you Tovar...cause I already know your gonna blow this time away...Ur way better at this BW stuff then me...HOLLA BACK!!!
  19. Kelli Says:
  20. powerlifting coach cancelled on me i'll be in tonight for this workout...can't wait!
  21. Anonymous Says:
  22. I have to give a speech to some 18 year kids at UNO tonight so I am really disappointed that I won't be able to come in and do this workout tonight. I think I'll try to do a modified version at home. I'll have to figure something out for the cleans and the swings though. Any suggestions?
  23. Anonymous Says:
  24. Yeah Greg you're probably right; I'll more than likely beat your time. Anyway, it was a nice effort and if you want to come watch I'll be there at 6:30.
    p.s. Hate is such a strong word.
  25. JonD Says:
  26. 6amers great job today. You really get to see everyones hard work with these kinds of WODs. I got mine done in 20:15 I was just hoping to come close to finishing. Well the rest of the day good luck. Have a great weekend everyone not sure if I will make it in tomorrow or not.
  27. Anonymous Says:
  28. well that sucked. as kersten put it, "it's like hell only more painful." that about sums it up. awful!


    got through 36 push ups (not 46 zachr. im an idiot) with 45 hspu on green and red plates.

    i am not going to be able to lift my arms tomorrow and i love it! great job nooners. sorry 6am, i couldnt do it today. if i can go into work late, i'll be there tomorrow.
  29. Greg MO Says:
  30. k....
    let's get serious..
    I don't hate....Im just jealous I guess...

    Won't b able 2 watch but I'm sur Ill hear bout it...

    U and Rick should go 2gether and c how bad both of u can whoop my time...
  31. Anonymous Says:
  32. DNF... I hate writing that
    I had 2 push-ups left and the squats. I finished the 2 push-ups and thought really hard about the squats. I used a blue bumper for HSPUs so I added 9.
    Great job nooners! Everyone looked good today!
  33. ZachR Says:
  34. Ricky did this workout in 12:twenty something. Lets see what you got, Tovar!
  35. Anonymous Says:
  36. Just a reminder that Lisa's Going Away Party is tomorrow starting at Stokes at 7!! We will have some drinks and food there, then head across 114th to do whatever...drink, dance, laugh, all of the above. Hope to see you there. Any questions just call me 981-0369!
  37. paul Says:
  38. such an awesome WOD. i feel so left out.
  39. Anonymous Says:
  40. No comment!
  41. Anonymous Says:
  42. Rx'd 12:37
    Ricky says he did it in 12:20something. I barely missed him Zach. I think I took too many breaks during the kb swings.
  43. Anonymous Says:
  44. Danielle - whatever!!! That was a tough WOD.

    20:52 had to do 45 HSPU. Why my ankle was shaking during pushups I have no idea, but I did try to watch my form on the pushups, but when it gets tough its hard to think of anything but getting back up! ha!

    Kylie - nice work on the HSPU!!! That range of motion is awesome!
  45. Anonymous Says:
  46. 21:55. i started doing lower HSPUs so i only had to do 39, then realized by just doing an extra 6 reps, i could raise it and get through them faster. this was rough, and the squat jumps nearly killed my legs, but i really wanted to finish! great job everyone at the 5:30, this was a tough one!
  47. A Says:
  48. 16:35 I think. Used the blue plate for HSPU. Regular pushups went better than usual. Thanks, Ricky and Joe for all the great feedback - it totally helped!
    Danielle, you are a rockstar! You were working so hard during the pushups!
    Great job 5:30! Tovar - YOU SUCK! :-)
  49. Kelli Says:
  50. DNF - 39 HSPU - 43 pushups. Awesome job Carrie (sp?) - thanks for sticking around and cheering me on!
  51. Steve Says:
  52. I was almost thrilled with my performance tonite... I needed to bust out a good one after all the difficulties with Tuesday's thrusters. Great job to all at 5:30!
  53. Anonymous Says:
  54. 17:26 with yellow plates for HSPU


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