Monday 080915

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


Rest Day!

Practice a weakness or make-up a workout.

Pushup madness.

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10 Responses to "Monday 080915"

  1. paul Says:
  2. If you're like me, the fact that no one has posted yet (on a Monday, no less) is driving you crazy. I am here to break the silence.

    I did 15-12-9 front squats (132#) and knees-to-elbows, and a 400m after each round. I'm guessing about 11:30, but I didn't set the timer right until after rd 1 so i can't be sure.
  3. JonD Says:
  4. Well I just did the workout from Sunday. I think I probably did around 2 miles or so give or take. I ran it on a treadmill which I hate but had to. So I started at a higher incline and went down each round and went up in speed each round as well. I really had to push this one. Well have a great rest day everyone and see yall soon. Good day Paul as well looks like a good one.
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. I came during open gym and fellow bad *ss crossfitter Danielle joined me for the team wod everyone did on Saturday. We finished in 28:53 and Danielle killed it on that last round of rowing!

    thx for joining in on the 3 rounds of fun :)
  7. BC Says:
  8. Mark, Kylie R and I did "Chief" - 3 power cleans, 6 pushups, 9 airsquats. Do as many rounds as possible in 3 minutes, rest 1 minute, and repeat for a total of 5 rounds. Rx'd for the cleans was 135#, but since I haven't done cleans in a while and they are a major technical weakness of mine I scaled to 110#, and they still sucked. Great job Mark and Kylie, way to kill it.
  9. Mark Says:
  10. B Christ, Kylie and I did Sunday's main site WOD, "The Chief." I did:

    1st round: 4 full rounds & 3 cleans
    2nd: 4 full rounds
    3rd: 3 full rounds, 3 cleans, 6 push-ups
    4th: 3 full round & 3 cleans
    5th: 3 full round & 3 cleans

    This was definitely a lung killer. Great work Brian and Kylie!!
  11. Mark Says:
  12. Looks like Brian and I were posting at the same time... haha!!
  13. Steve Says:
  14. 3 rounds-
    500 m rows
    40 ball slams (20#)
    30 jumping pull-ups
    20 walking lunges

    good job Cari and Mel.
  15. BC Says:
  16. Great minds think alike Mark
  17. Donohoe Says:
  18. Hello everyfitter from Owatanna, minesota. I did 3 rounds of 20 double unders and 35pd muscle makers X8. It was a tough workout and very intense. Felt good to get a sweat and get back on a schedule. Take care everyone see you in two weeks.
  19. Anonymous Says:
  20. Dido to Reba's post...not the bas *ss part but the time :) Thanks for the extra rowing tonight Reba, good thing I got the hang of it on the last 250m!! The wod wasn't as bad as I thought ir would be so thanks for making me do it.

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