Monday 080908

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


Back Squat 3-3-3-3-3-3-3 reps

Post each load lifted to comments.

Does your back squat look like this? With the exception of a fault or two (can you name them), it should. (click on comments to find out)

Virtuosity is what we are looking for. Getting there is the fun part. We don't expect our athletes to have perfect technique on day one, but we do coach our athletes not to lift heavy weight with poor technique and/or limited range of motion. We want our athletes to perform the movements under lighter loads until the technique improves.

Often big, strong men like Devon are told to work at light loads in order to improve their squat. It is clear that Devon has taken the time to improve his. In the photo above his squat is not perfect, however it is LEGIT. Later in the class he goes on to get 250 x3 with very similar technique.

(photograph and words courtesy of CrossFit Santa Cruz)

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27 Responses to "Monday 080908"

  1. Ricky Frausto Says:
  2. 1. Head up
    2. Wrists cocked back

    Other than these two things, this is a pretty darn perfect back squat
  3. A Says:
  4. Completely excited about this one. I am going to commit to strength, even if it kills me! :-)
  5. kahrs Says:
  6. I don't think it will kill you Alison, actually it might make you live longer.. ;)
  7. A Says:
  8. Ha! Thanks, Killer Kahrs!
  9. hannah eileen Says:
  10. great job this morning guys!

    i did 141x3 and 146x1. i feel like if i would have tried again i could have gotten the 146 3 times. it was already 7am and i had to get ready for a long day of class and work and swimming. lindsey, thanks for always being right there to push me.
  11. kahrs Says:
  12. I got to 250x3 on the last set, felt pretty good too. Might have been able to got 10 lbs. more. Felt a little awkward at first forcing myself to set the bar lower on the shoulders, felt better by the end though.
  13. Greg MO Says:
  14. 284x3 then 225x21...

    Those 21 reps were really tough...
  15. ZachR Says:
  16. 247x3 then 174x21

    My right knee has been bothering me so I didn't push the weight like I would have liked. Good job to everyone at 6am.
  17. Anonymous Says:
  18. 141x3 151x1
    Felt pretty good, it was my first time doing back squats.
  19. paul Says:
  20. 299x3. did NOT get the 21 at 225!

    nice work by everyone at noon! Brian, that was some crazy weight! Blas, you were killing it today!
  21. Donohoe Says:
  22. Nice work today nooners, you all lifted some serious weight. Thanks Rick,Paul,Brilzs,and Joe for the spot.
    I was talking with a newbie today and had an idea. Crossfit's exercises are either you can do it or you need to work on it. With scaling and dedication all exercises can be learned, and eventually can be done. No workout or exercise is outta reach.
    Something to wrap your mind around ,
    Donohoe out...
  23. JonD Says:
  24. Sounds like good things happened today, sorry i missed it. School and the weekend caught up to me today and well thats all i got to say about that. I did the work out before work and got to 225x3 didnt feel like I did the full ROM for the last set though. Well I was unaware of the x21 at the end, im not sure if that is a good thing or not. Well I will fo sho see everyone at 6am and have a great rest of the day.
  25. Jen Says:
  26. WOD = 252lbs x 3
  27. Anonymous Says:
  28. 148X3 and 21@100lbs....

    Nice work everyone - I think they need to get that one guy ( i think his name is jeremy) his own bar - that thing bends so bad with all that weight on it, you wonder if its going to snap in half!!!?!

    Props going out to Danielle tonight - she easily did her max weight and was even talking through her 21 reps @ 100lbs!!! I didn't have energy to think of anything but getting the bar back up!

    Alison - nice work as well especially on the "uneven" squat!
  29. Anonymous Says:
  30. 165x3 and I tried 175 which didn't really happen. Ricky had Kylie and I focus on our squats today.... it turns out we were both doing something not quite right. I'm still not exactly clear on what I do wrong, but I worked on it.
    Good job to everyone today at 5:30!
  31. Steve Says:
  32. This comment has been removed by the author.
  33. Steve Says:
  34. Very impressive group at 5:30. I was a lot happier today with my squats than the previous time we did them. Working more to get my glutes and hamstrings involved. Aside from Joe/Rickie/Kylie, I think my best feedback will come directly from my body tomorrow morning. What muscle group did I push with (the most) today? Quads? Glutes? Hip flexiors? Hamstrings?
  35. Woody Woodworth Says:
  36. Woody's final noon set was 21 back squats with 85 lbs.
  37. Anonymous Says:
  38. 3@285

    At times going to low and screwing up technique

  39. BC Says:
  40. Amazing group at 5:30 tonight, and Jeremy, holy impressive as hell Batman! What was that, a Buick? I got to 198# on the 4th round but my technique suffered, so dropped back down a bit and tried to work my way back up, finishing last rd at 184# (I think?). Again, great job by everyone at 5:30, we have such amazing and inspiring athletes at CFO, even those that like the Raiders...not everyone is perfect.
  41. Anonymous Says:
  42. Thanks Reba, you and Alison did great too!

    I got to 143 then did 21 with 99 lbs. I think I can do more weight, so I am excited for next time we do these. I dig on these lower body workouts. Hopefully one sweet day my arms will be a strong as my legs.

    Props to all the ladies tonight!! Maykala your form looked fantastic, and Jill nice meeting you and way to put up some BIG numbers!!

    OK I am taking applications for the email list for Crossfit Omaha again. So if you want to know about some of the "social" outings we have please send me an email to (there really is no application process :) After the 15th I will send a new list out to everyone that is on it.
  43. Anonymous Says:
  44. 3x155
  45. Kelli Says:
  46. while i didn't do this crossfit style, rather powerlifting style I did squats tonight too, so I thought I would post:
    95x5 ; 135 x5 ; 185x5 ; 205x5 ; 205x5. I put a belt on at 185.
  47. Anonymous Says:
  48. Back Squats = Not my Favorite.

    Probably because I need "extra special" work on them - My body just doesn't want to move the right way, so it takes lots (and lots) of thought - never realized how hard it is to break bad habits.

    Worked on form and trying to keep my knees on par.

    PROPS to all the amazing women working out tonight - truly an inspiration & lots of big numbers!
  49. Anonymous Says:
  50. 148x2.5 ok not bad, but Ricky had to help (just a little bit) on my last rep (hense the 1/2) or i just might not have made it!! Finished off the night w/a game of Fish as well. I love that game!!

    Looking at all the comments, everyone did really well. Keep up the awesome work!

    See ya'll tomorrow.
  51. A Says:
  52. 148# X 3. then, 21 @ 100#. Nice job to everyone at 5:30!
  53. Anonymous Says:
  54. I got to 229# x 3 on round 5 but my technique wasn't the best so Joe had me drop back to 219# for the last 2 rounds to work on that. I wasn't quite sure what to expect since I haven't done back squats in a while. Legs are my biggest weakness so hopefully I can continue to work them and lift much more next time.

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