Monday 080901

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


As many lunges as possible in 10 minutes.

Post number of reps, distance covered, or both to comments.

Elbows high, back arched, hips clearly below the knees, head in neutral alignment, and body in perfect balance over the entire foot. The picture may be blurry but the squat isn't. Great technique Amy.

Happy Labor Day Everyone!

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5 Responses to "Monday 080901"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. Couldn't sit still anymore!!

    250 lunges then 10-9-8-7-ect of pushups and squats following the lunges...

    Ran hills on Saturday early morning before we left for the wedding and rested on Sunday.
  3. zj Says:
  4. 270
  5. Anonymous Says:
  6. 201. I was ready to get off my butt! I can't wait for class tomorrow!
    Mel C
  7. Mark Says:
  8. I did absolutely nothing that past two days... while it was a nice and much needed rest, I am pretty anxious to get back to the gym tomorrow!!
  9. A Says:
  10. 353. Then did 5 rounds of 1 minute handstand holds. That was much harder than I anticipated.

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