Friday 080919

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


Rest Day.

Zachr, displaying the needed concentration to produce successful overhead squats

"5 Dangerous Things You Should Let Your Children Do", Gever Tulley - TED

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13 Responses to "Friday 080919"

  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. Question for all:

    How is it that I can finally do bodyweight squat but yet I cannot get this "jar lid" to budge?!! I am questioning all these "functional" fitness claims now...;)

    I am taking a rest day today. Even my core is sore from something this week.....

    and thanks Julie for bringing in all those apples!
  3. kahrs Says:
  4. Reba

    Its not a questions of "functional fitness" its a question of "mechanics", are you turning the lid in the right direction. ;)
  5. BC Says:
  6. HA! Good one Kahrs
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. I had a dream that we were doing Fran today...
  9. Anonymous Says:
  10. I'm sick... :o( Can't wait for allergy season to get over with so I can freaking breath!

    B christ...I about died laughing when I read that you take part in the "girly" activities with your cute! I'd love to see Ricky paint a finger nail or two!

    Mel C
    (I really need to take the time to figure out my name/password on here.)
  11. hannah eileen Says:
  12. angela, i will hurt you for saying that. why would you put that out in the open? awful. i had a dream last night with sharks in it.
    zachr, you are so dreamy.
    reba, i cant ever open jars either. thats what the guy is for!
  13. paul Says:
  14. Ladies, isn't it time you invested in the Captains of Crush functional hand strength training equipment?

    I have the no. 1 gripper in my desk drawer (120# of resistance).
  15. JonD Says:
  16. I am not even sure what to say today after reading all this randomness going on here today. But I do want to say one thing HANNAH guys just arent there to open jars we are also there to I dunno do other things as well so we have much more to offer than just jar opening skills. (bow hunting skills, nunckucking skills)

    Anywho I did the front squat today at UNO and maybe shouldnt make a big jump like I did on the end of the workout. I got up 205x3 pretty good and then only had a little time left so I went for 225. Dumb yes I know so I couldnt get that up and so just went down to 135 and rep it out to around 12-14. I learned my lesson on that one. Im pretty sure if I had the advise from Ricky and Joe I would have made a smarter move. So next time I will give myself more time to do these strength days.
  17. paul Says:
  18. 4 rds

    25 GH situps
    25 box jumps (24")
    25 med ball cleans (20#)
    25 KB swings (1.5 pd)


    what was i thinking? that was awful.
  19. BC Says:
  20. I missed the last 2 days because of work, but it felt like a lot longer. I did yesterday's front squat workout and got to 198X3 on the last round.

    Zachr, you are pretty dreamy, but it looks like you're smelling a fart. Did you let a little squeaker out on the way up? I hope you didn't shart in your shorts. I've almost done that before, not cool.
  21. Chad Says:
  22. Thanks for the help tonight Ricky. It really felt good to get through those pull-ups. And thanks to everybody else in the gym for your support. I think tonight I finally got why people are so crazy about this stuff.
  23. Anonymous Says:
  24. Yes lots of randomness going on today, but for the record - I did try all those old tricks to get the jar grandma used to say "run under hot water" or "hit the side of the jar with a knife" -ok really?? Where do people come up with these things!

    Chad: You drank the CrossFit koolaid!! H*LL YEA!!!
  25. Anonymous Says:
  26. I did the pull-up sit up thing today. Think I did about 250-300 sit-ups. I like sit-ups!! Pulls with the band are interesting to kip with.

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