Friday 080912

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

Courtesy of CrossFit Vancouver
"Brutus" [wmv][mov]
For time:
1 Hang Power Snatch/Overhead Squat/Ring Dip
2 Hang Power Snatch/Overhead Squat/Ring Dip
3 Hang Power Snatch/Overhead Squat/Ring Dip
all the way up to 10
Run 800 meters
10 Hang Power Snatch/Overhead Squat/Ring Dip
9 Hang Power Snatch/Overhead Squat/Ring Dip
8 Hang Power Snatch/Overhead Squat/Ring Dip
all the way down to 1

Men use 40% of bodyweight/Ladies use 30% of bodyweight. Scale as needed. Whether that means scaling down or scaling up. The cut-off is twenty minutes and I would like everyone to start scaling loads so as to make the cut-off times for this and future workouts. 

Tyson is displaying a legit back squat. The only flaw lies with the wrists but this is due to an injured shoulder. We'll let it slide this time.

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15 Responses to "Friday 080912"

  1. Jen Says:
  2. DNF - 85# - Time ran out before I returned from the run.
  3. ZachR Says:
  4. DNF - 70# I was 3 ring dips away from finishing the set of 10 after the run.
  5. kahrs Says:
  6. DNF - 80# Finished the everything before the run. Ricky called time just as I finished my ring dips. Rob thanks for asking if I was going to run, I don't think I would have if you didn't.
  7. BC Says:
  8. So after the 6am class Ricky extended the cutoff time to 30 min...and I STILL DNF'd! I made it through the run, all 10 snatches and squats and 2 dips when time ran out. This workout was a total b!tch yet still kind of fun, if that makes any sense. The highlight for me was Joe's comment afterwards, "Those were the best your squats have ever looked." I am McLovin. Mad props to Steve and the Kylies, great job guys!
  9. Steve Says:
  10. Great job Kylie, Brian, Kylie! I made it through the run, then 10 and was on the last dip of 9 on the way back down. For the 5:30 and 6:30 classes- bring gloves! It's humid today and the chalk was rapidly turning to a sticky paste.
  11. Anonymous Says:
  12. This one looks insane!! Too bad I killed myself yesterday both in the gym and at the bar. I think I am going to rest up and come in tomorrow morning. Hopefully I can make this one up on Monday. Best of luck to the night classes!
  13. Anonymous Says:
  14. Apparently I have not made it clear that my birthday is Sunday and that I am going out tomorrow to celebrate. I will be at Blue downtown to eat at 8 and then will stay down there to have fun. Please feel free to come, bring a present, and help me celebrate!
  15. JonD Says:
  16. DNF got the run done in 20 min but nothin after that. I would really like to see someone come close or even finish. I would be very impressed and would give high fives all day tomorrow if that happened. let me know. Well good luck the rest of the day and I will see everyone tomorrow morning. Peace
  17. Greg MO Says:
  18. DNF - #98 - finished OHS and 5 RDs on the last set of 10 after the 800m...I pushed the weight a little for good measure (& since i haven't weighed myself since we left UNO) but it ended up really takin a toll in the later rnds...
    I'm about 99.99% sure I could finish this wod with the new 30min cutoff...I guess its something worth trying again on a rest day down the road...Ur a beast as usual rick for finishing this 1 in 20:55...

    Nice job 6am!!!
  19. ZachR Says:
  20. After learning about the extended cutoff I went back in at 5:30 to try and finish the workout. I did 3 ring dips and then round 9 down to 1 in 8:26. So in all I did this workout in 28:26 with an 11 hour break.
  21. Anonymous Says:
  22. After the run I got almost all the way through the 6th round. I was just 2 dips short and I accidentally yelled at Ricky. I was using 53# for the snatches and OH squats.
    See y'all tomorrow!
  23. paul Says:
  24. Since I couldn't do this one, Joe found a new way for me to suffer:

    Deadlifts (275#), strict pullups, DUs:



    26:14. a whole new kind of tired. lower heart rate (but still pounding), but sheer exhaustion.

    nice job 6:30!

    can't wait for tomorrow's team WOD!
  25. Anonymous Says:
  26. i got through the snatches of the round with 6 reps on the way down after the run with the 30 min cut-off. i would love to do this workout again and make it under 30 mins. oh, and kylie roe tricked me into running further than i was supposed to (she ran too much too & i followed). she said it was a mistake but i wonder if she secretely just wanted to torcher me.
  27. Anonymous Says:
  28. i got all the way through my 8th round after the run, i really need to work on my snatches and squats, i hate working with the bar:) it was a really fun workout though, i was sweating like crazy!
  29. A Says:
  30. Got through this with about a nano-second to spare. Did Rx'd weight, and got to the first round of 10 dips without using the stupid band. Started the second set sans band, but quickly gave in. Did the very last dip without the band because I just couldn't get the band in the rings. The run sucked a$$, as I developed a severe stitch at the bottom of the hill. I was just glad to get through the workout, so that I could go buy a present for Angela. I don't know if you all heard, BUT HER BIRTHDAY IS TODAY!!!!!

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