Friday 080905

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:

100-90-80-70-60 reps of:
Double Unders
Situps (med ball) [youtube]

Team workout. Share the reps as needed but only one person can be working out at a time. For a visual on how the situps will work click on the youtube link above.

Post time to comments.

What is Joe doing?

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18 Responses to "Friday 080905"

  1. JonD Says:
  2. I think Gabe is playing with him, thats just my guess.
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. He's probably drunk!
  5. kahrs Says:
  6. I think both of the above answers are correct. Drunk and looking to cuddle with Gabe. I like the fact that we think Joe is drunk for the 6am class.
  7. zj Says:
  8. Nicky thinks he has water in his ear!
  9. A Says:
  10. This comment has been removed by the author.
  11. A Says:
  12. More impressive than the ability to teach class and inappropriately love Gabe while drunk, is his apparent "magical" foot. Wow.
  13. Anonymous Says:
  14. That is his "precomment" pose. Everytime I see him in that sort of stance, I know to brace myself for the "abs tight" "more hip" comments! ha!

    btw my mid thigh has bruises all over them from yesterday-which means that I must have been doing something right at least a few times during the cleans....
  15. Anonymous Says:
  16. 12:03 AM Alison! Were you watching Golden Girls late again ;)
  17. A Says:
  18. Ha! Why, yes I was!!! :-)
  19. kahrs Says:
  20. Way to represent Ricky and Libby. Haven't watched the video yet but I can only imagine it is awesome. Check out the Crossfit Games Website everyone.
  21. Donohoe Says:
  22. Okay joe is showing me the lastest crossfit approved dance routine for time.
    Great work breakfeast clubbers see you tomorrw.
  23. Kelli Says:
  24. nice video on Ricky --- thanks for letting us know it was there kahrs!
  25. paul Says:
  26. NASTY video, Ricky! I love how it starts with "who are you?" "Bond, James Bond." As in: Ricky Frausto is a f'ckin badass, everyone!

    And for everyone who did the 155# thrusters, did you notice how Ricky destroyed that 155# squat clean and press!
  27. BC Says:
  28. Great video, thanks for the heads up Kahrs. Yesterday was one of those days where The Man was keeping me down, I can't wait to be independently wealthy so I won't have to work anymore. See everyone at 5:30.
  29. Steve Says:
  30. Great video- good representation for xfit Omaha. I want to run that hill!
  31. Donohoe Says:
  32. Any one gots paul number?
  33. BC Says:
  34. Fun workout tonight. Tyson and I finished at 21:00, just 30 seconds behind Mark and Petersen...dammit! This was by far the best my DU's have ever been, they're not perfect yet but they've come a long way and have gotten much easier, I'm not doing the "high knee" thing nearly as much as I used to. Great job everyone at 5:30, and way to finish strong Kylie and Makayla.
  35. Mark Says:
  36. I did yesterdays workout today before class and finished in 19:11 as Rx'd. Then I did today's and I worked with Matt and we finished in 20:30. Needless to say I was tired...

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