Sunday 080914

Ricky Frausto Filed Under:


In a timespan of 5 minutes, run for as long a distance as you are capable.

Rest 1 minute.
Repeat for 3 cycles.

Post distance covered for each of the 3 cycles to comments.

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15 Responses to "Sunday 080914"

  1. kahrs Says:
  2. This will suck ass. Enough said.
  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. Are you supposed to sprint? Run for 15 minutes total right? Yeah, this will suck...
  5. JonD Says:
  6. Happy B-Day Angela sorry didnt make it out last night hope it was a good time. Well this workout should be fun, so see yall monday. O ya go DUKE Football!!
  7. Anonymous Says:
  8. Who am I kidding.... there is no chance I am doing this!
  9. hannah eileen Says:
  10. Happy Birthday, Ang! I love you so much. I hope you had a blast last night and an amazing day today!
  11. Donohoe Says:
  12. Happy Birthday Angela I hope it was a good one.
    I did five rounds of 20 double unders,15 air squats,10 push ups,5 pullups. I will see everyone in two weeks.
  13. BC Says:
  14. Lexi, Maddy and Livy say happy birthday Angela!
  15. Steve Says:
  16. C'mon Ang... this one should be a piece of cake for you. And who the heck picked the windiest day possible to run 5-min sprints outside? I toughed this one out, and I have no idea of the distances.
  17. Anonymous Says:
  18. Happy Birthday Ang!! Hope you had a great time last night, wish I could've been there, I was out west. Have a great day!
  19. JimmyG Says:
  20. Happy B-day Angela! Hey has the September journal come out yet? I've been waiting patiently but haven't seen it in my inbox. I hope I didn't erase it by accident!!
  21. ZachR Says:
  22. Jimmy

    They are no longer sending out the journal on the first of the month. You should have received an email with a password so you can login to the Crossfit Journal website off the main page. All articles will be posted periodically on the website.
  23. JimmyG Says:
  24. right on thanks Zach!
  25. Anonymous Says:
  26. Happy Bday Angela! Wish I could have been there! I had my family in town for the whole weekend. My family just left and my sister flew back to Denver, CO.

    I quickly snuck in a workout today.

    Thrusters 65#s

    I am sure it was all the bad food and beers from Friday night wedding in Nebraska City and Husker Game Day on Saturday, but that sucked. Took me 10 mins and my wrists were shaking by the time I was done.
  27. Anonymous Says:
  28. Thanks everyone!
    I had a blast yesterday. Today was a little rough because of it....
  29. Anonymous Says:
  30. so i need to throw this out there. the squats and lots of the pushups on the main site video made me sick to my stomach. they looked awful! i am so happy to have ricky, joe, and kylie r to help teach us proper ways to do things to not look like that...

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